
Meet One-Star Director and new 40/40 Club member Rashida Jones! Rashida is from Tulsa, Oklahoma and currently lives in Oklahoma City. She tells us that she is the single mother of six children – five daughters and one son. “My children are my motivation and the reason I go so hard. I don’t make excuses and I don’t let anything stand in the way of leaving a legacy for my children.

“My interests include meeting new people, spending time with my family, traveling, volunteering in the community, shopping, and reading. I love traveling and have traveled the whole lower United States and working on traveling through the top of the United States and out of the country. I’m always down to take a road trip to spread the word about PlanNet Marketing.

“I have achieved success in PlanNet Marketing by starting with the people who BELIEVE in me, making a list of 100, building up my social media, being consistent, staying plugged in, being available for my business partners, leading by example, and not letting the word NO affect me. You also have to stay out of your feelings, stay focused, and remind yourself WHY you started, and never lose sight of that.


“My advice would be to stay organized, have a calendar that’s filled up with three-way calls and face-to-face appointments. Surround yourself with positive people and help each other level up. Also, set a goal, achieve it, set another goal, and just keep going! Life will happen, people will turn their back on you, you will cry, but remain STRONG. Don’t let anything get in your way, NO HATERS, NO EXCUSES, and DON’T GIVE UP. Keep your foot on the pedal, ALL GAS and NO BRAKES!! What GOD has for you, is for you, and no one can stop it!

“Some fun facts about me are that I never meet a stranger, I can make anyone smile, I’ve been an extra in a couple of movies, and I’m a student working on my Doctorate degree. I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, Coach Dexter, and the whole TEAM.”