40/40 Club members Lynn and Marcus Hendricks recall, “The idea that we almost missed this entire business project is scary!” One of Lynn's best friends tried to introduce her and Marcus to the travel business for almost a year but Lynn wasn't interested, even though she and Marcus were avid travelers. The biggest part of Lynn's reluctance was the superficial culture she had been introduced to at many other network marketing companies, with much emphasis on the “bling and the Bentleys,” as well as her feeling that oftentimes the products were subpar. While the compensation plans always looked good on paper, they never really manifested into what was promised. It took her friend calling to say she had booked a stay at a resort for less than half what Lynn and Marcus had paid two years prior for Lynn to say, "Sign me up today!" But still she had no plans of ever doing the marketing side of the business. To their surprise, family and friends were interested from the very beginning and began partnering with them. This, coupled with Greg Scott calling and strongly encouraging them to look at the business and attend Super Saturday, is what started them on their journey in their new network marketing career.

That Super Saturday event was July 16, 2016, and JP Watkins did a training on the “Zoo and the Jungle,” which was so impactful and inspiring. Marcus had been a truck driver for almost 20 years and Lynn was working in the “zoo” at the time (saying sometimes it literally felt like it), but she and Marcus both had entrepreneurial spirits, so it was a relatively easy mindset shift. Once Mr. Bradley spoke about the company and the culture and laid out his vision, it was game over.

The culture of the company spoke to them both long before the compensation plan did. “There seemed to be a directive that no matter what team you were on, everyone would help each other because we were all one team and that was not only refreshing, but rarely seen in most companies or industries. To be on a team with a giant like our MVP, Orlanda Moore, superstars like Greg and Carla Scott, and have amazing sideline partners like Letoria Mayberry, Tiffany McIntosh, Walter and Tiffany Powell and Tanisha Burke, is both humbling and inspiring. It's impossible to not want to run like your hair’s on fire when you have that level of greatness all around you, pouring knowledge, time and energy into you!

“It's a truly humbling experience to have people come up to you and tell you that you inspire them, or tell you that your story resonated with them because it's so similar to their own. The idea that we have this huge responsibility of training, developing, coaching, motivating and cultivating the next generation of leaders is almost unfathomable, but we neither take it lightly nor for granted. We have an amazing team that gets up every day and flat out goes for it. We have such camaraderie and a genuine love and respect for one another and we can't wait to see each person realize the goals they've set out for themselves and their families. We stand fully committed to helping every person who desires Directorship achieve that goal.

“We realize to whom much is given, much is expected, and there are so many families that we have yet to meet. So many that are hungry for change, struggling in their careers and their finances, and we feel it's almost surreal that in our lifetime we not only have access to a vehicle that can forever change our financial bloodline, but we're able to offer this vehicle to others and offer them hope and change as well. 

“The impact this company is having is evident inside our family as well. Our son is a music producer and international DJ, and recently during a conversation, Lynn told him she was very proud of him for not only following his dreams, but also finding a way to get paid to do it! His response was, "Mom, I'm proud of you and Pops for doing the same exact thing!"

“Keep reading, keep working, stay consistent, stay committed and just don't quit. You can accomplish anything if you keep moving forward!”