Welcome to the 40/40 Club, Three-Star Director Letoria Mayberry! Letoria shares, “Wow is all I can say!! Sometimes, I literally have to pinch myself to see if I’m dreaming! This has all been surreal. The best way to start is just answering the question, ‘Who is Letoria Mayberry?’ I'm a single parent, the mother of a beautiful 22-year-old daughter, Taisha Mayberry, who is my WHY, who drives me and gives me so much joy! I’m the daughter of Pastor Leo Mayberry and First Lady Shirley Mayberry, who are prayer warriors and have always instilled in me, ‘There is nothing you can’t do; the world is yours! You just got to go and take it!’ They are also my WHY and the reason I can’t afford not to take this business seriously and give it all I’ve got!  

“I was first introduced to the travel industry three years ago and honestly, I have always been skeptical of network marketing. I am known as a risk taker; however, I’m very analytical and it has to make sense and money for me to really take a look. I only took time out to listen because I wanted to travel with my daughter. Taisha had entered her first year in college and I needed a tax write-off. By owning a travel business, I could see how this could go hand-in-hand. So I took the 3-way call and that same night I got started, but I still didn’t move on the business. It truly took my job furloughing me to take a serious look at the business. Having my pay cut and exhausting my savings account was devastating and the same year my house had been hit by a tornado. So I started reading, researching and trying to learn the business on my own. I wanted to learn more and I knew there was more to the business.

One day, I finally got the nerve to reach out to Orlanda Moore on Facebook and introduced myself. Even though I was not a part of his organization, he took me by the hand and started teaching me everything he knew. I was like a sponge and I wanted to learn and know everything. All I knew was corporate America, but when Mr. Moore helped me realize that I could use those skills and relationships to build a business, that was all she wrote. I was ready to take on the world! I think I asked Mr. Moore a thousand questions a day! I was excited and scared at the same time because I was comfortable and my business was growing. But as time got closer, I started to notice a different fire inside of me. I can honestly say I could see people being financially free and enjoying traveling with their families. After I got this confirmation, I was all out massive action and was determined to be a Founding Director. Sometimes I felt as though I was limited because I again worked a full-time job and it was very hectic at times. I would be at work and all I could think about was PlanNet Marketing and what I needed to do on lunch break and after work. I studied and sharpened my craft daily. Mr. Moore would work with me on delivering the presentation and every time he conducted a call or 3-way, I was on there taking notes. I wanted to make sure I was a leader who could lead my team.

“In school I was not taught how to make passive, residual and leveraged income or to generate wealth. But I was always curious on how to create the life I really wanted to live. When I started this business, I saw the potential from the beginning. My goal has always been to work towards becoming financially free, taking care of my parents, and getting my time freedom while doing what I love. And now I'm doing that! I've learned the importance of serving and pouring into others! I’m so thankful that God has allowed me this opportunity to help the families I have partnered with and those in the future. It brings me joy to see my partners Latoya Bailey and Shauntaye Mayo, who are single moms, take their kids on vacations they always dreamed of taking. And seeing my partners when the weekly and residuals hit and hearing the stories of how this has helped their family either pay bills, help their loved ones, or be a blessing to someone else. This right here lets me know that we’ve CREATED it!! Another goal accomplished. 

“I’m still young in the industry and I’m still learning. I’m thankful to be surrounded by some seasoned veterans that are helpful and don’t mind sharing what they know. I truly love the culture Mr. Bradley has built here at PlanNet Marketing! It’s truly a family environment and we all are pushing to help one another win. The Support Team is the bomb.com; it truly reminds me of corporate America. They are so polished and professional but most importantly, loving. It’s great to know you have people who care about your success and are working to make sure that it sustains you.

“Lastly, I want to thank Mr. Moore for truly believing in me and pushing me outside of my comfort zone. Being transparent, I was hesitant in the beginning and I only came to this opportunity because I trusted him. And I must say, ‘Sir, you didn’t lead me wrong and I’m forever grateful. You have shaped and molded me into a leader and I’m thankful to have you as my mentor! I know we are just getting started and I’m looking forward to the future; helping you push this team to a Five-Star and a Nine-Star team! I’m all in, COACH!’  I have the most amazing business partners on the planet. I'm truly thankful for a team that inspires me every single day! Watching you all push and work hard ignites my fire. It makes me want to work harder; become a better leader. Thank you for believing in me. I'm dedicated to showing you that it's possible for you as well! I’m dedicated and committed to helping you WIN. You are like my family and I continuously pray for you and your family like my own. We are bonded together forever. Thank you to my daughter and parents for your support and understanding when I’m gone on the road and not at church on Sunday. Daddy, please believe even if I’m not there, I’m still reading my Word and having worship. You three are my reason why and I owe it to you!!

“Most importantly, thank You JESUS! Thank You for closed doors! Thank You for not allowing me to settle and just be comfortable! THANK YOU, for my struggles as lessons and blessings go hand-in-hand! Jesus, every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, You were re-directing me to something better! Even when the world counted me out, You said, ‘No, I’m not done!’ I pray You will continue to give me peace when frustration creeps in. I pray You will continue to give me strength to press on when I'm told, ‘No.’ Jesus, I thank You for teaching me that "no" is just a step to a bigger and better yes!”