Welcome, Three-Star Directors Kenneth and Natalie Graham, to the 40/40 Club! Natalie shares her PlanNet Marketing experience: “I've always spoken positive affirmations. I remember just 18 months ago I was sitting at my desk, miserable. I had just gotten yelled at for planning a vacation to Jamaica that I was told I could not go on by "corporate." A vacation that I had already paid for. I remember thinking to myself, "I don't make enough money for this.’ This is not the life I had called to pass…this was definitely not the life that I desired. I have kept a vision board since my teenage years and on that board were tropical destinations, happiness, freedom.

“One thing I was not feeling at that moment was FREE. On a busy day at work I was thinking about a way out…what could I do? And out of nowhere I saw a post of this guy AGAIN in the middle of the day eating lunch with his children. ‘What the heck does this guy do for a living?’ I thought to myself. He had what I desired - time freedom. I even went to school to get a Bachelor's in Education so that I could at least have all summers and holidays to have time with my children. There was still something in me that wanted a different career path, so I reached out to this guy on Facebook to inquire about the business. I didn't know him from a can of paint and he didn't know me. I now know this amazing individual and my mentor as Orlanda Moore. I needed this business more than anyone knew. I was going to school just to pay my bills with my financial aid reimbursements. I made a decision that I would do whatever it took to become successful in this business, even with no prior experience.

”I believe that if one person does something, that I am no different; I can do it too. I have never lacked in the confidence department but I knew because my back was against the wall that I needed to take that confidence to another level…it was time to become RELENTLESS. I took my husband to an event so that he could see the other couples doing great in this business. After a talk with Mr. Bradley that day, he decided to join forces with me. He began helping me with travel parties and 3-way calls. Because of my intimate approach to leadership, I have been able to help grow a phenomenal team of hungry individuals, individuals like myself who wanted and needed change.

There is not one day that passes by that our team doesn't hear from us. I am so passionate about serving others that I go to bed late and wake up early coming up with and thinking of innovative ways to help my team get to their next level. I definitely look at our team more like family than anything. I am so grateful that I was able to retire at the tender age of 33 from corporate America. I helped people there, but now I'm able to make an impact and put my own spin on things. I cannot WAIT to produce more Directors. I cannot WAIT to hear more success stories, and I cannot WAIT to impact the lives of thousands of more individuals around the world. If anything were to happen to me today…I can honestly say that I left this world happy…I know that because of me, lives were changed and that my children will also be blessed with the financial stability they deserve, even when I'm gone. I thank God everyday for an awesome team and this opportunity! Donald and Deborah…well done! We are JUST getting started!