20/20 Club


New 20/20 Club Member Christopher Dent has made Ohio his home since 2001 and is originally from Saginaw, MI. He shares, “I am currently living in North Canton, traveling in the Akron/Canton area, focusing on my love for people. Some would call me a motivational speaker. I strive to be creative in my quest to help people live up to their potential. I love to travel all across the US, as well as cruising to the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Antigua, St. Thomas, and Tortola in the Virgin Islands. I just love to travel and experience some of the greatest features this life has to offer.

“Achieving personal success at PlanNet Marketing takes knowing the type of person you want to be. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. We travel to friends and family helping them on a personal level to see the possibility themselves. I remained coachable and teachable, keeping my process duplicable, always striving for greater self-development.

“As a Pastor, I understand the importance of personal development. It is a physical reward that stems from a mental decision to go beyond what you see for yourself at this moment. The Bible states we are to be good stewards, “The first not the last, the lender not the borrower.” PlanNet has been a great vehicle for the manifestation for this process to be a success. We were created limitless; when jobs and other influences came along we made our own boundaries. Now’s the time to get back to limitless living!”


New  20/20 Club Member Dinea Mahoney was born in a small rural town in St. Mary, Jamaica. She migrated to the United States in August of 2008 as an elementary school teacher in Baltimore City, MD.  Dinea and daughter Denae’ (her WHY) currently reside in Towson, MD. She loves sports, especially playing netball, running track, and playing soccer. Dinea is currently a teacher of computer science in Baltimore County and doubles as a track and field coach there as well. 

Dinea shares, “Spending time with my family in Jamaica is very important to me, and as a result of that I take regular vacations there. I am super excited about taking my first cruise on our Carnival Seminar at Sea in the fall. Jamaicans are known for being hard workers with multiple jobs. I wanted to break that stereotype for my daughter and expose her to entrepreneurship - that is one of the many reasons I became a PlanNet Marketing Rep. I made the decision to start on October 26, 2015 with no knowledge or experience in the network marketing industry at all. It just made sense. My initial reaction to the opportunity was that the compensation plan makes sense.

“My greatest fear – being rejected – kept me from being successful in my business in the early months. After much coaching from Director Hawkes and Director Newman (Mr. Belief), my Mom, and my new PlanNet family, I was determined to win. I set goals, and if I didn’t hit, I didn’t give up. I allowed myself to be coachable. I did not give up even though I felt like it. When I felt defeated, I read, listened to motivational speakers, and placed my WHY in front of me. One thing for sure, I never missed any event that I could attend. I must say that my growth and development in this organization is a result of the commitment to reach my goal. I must give credit to my mentor Director Hawkes’ relentless and unchanging will to see me succeed. I am very grateful for her leadership.”


New 20/20 Club Member Glenn Smith is a 24-year retired veteran of the United States Air Force and on March 31, 2017, he retired from the Dallas VA Medical Center. He is originally from Marion, IN and currently resides in Grand Prairie, a suburb outside of Dallas, TX. Being in the military and for vacations, he has traveled to more than 20 countries and goes to Aruba every year for his birthday.

Glenn tells us, “My success comes from truly wanting to see people free themselves from the 9 to 5. The only tip I have is, if you truly want this for you and your family, then express that exact same feeling to the people you meet. Each day, make up your mind that you will speak to 2-5 people about your business - but make it a short 30-second conversation and give them your card.”

Glenn’s interests are reading, working out, and hanging out with great friends. When he travels he always books his own trip - and he loves beaches and smoking a great cigar!


New 20/20 Club Member Harold Leverett tells us, “It is an honor to be listed among the other members of this prestigious 20/20 Club!  First of all, I would like to thank God for my health and well being. I'd also like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Bradley for this great opportunity, and to my upline Director, Melodie Washington, for believing in and pushing me to accomplish this goal. I am so glad to have this opportunity in my life. I am a 27-year veteran of the Oklahoma City Fire Department. I have progressed through the ranks and achieved the level of Major, but that pales in comparison to reaching the Gold Builder status and now the 20/20 Club.” 

“My why is my family. I have two children, a son and daughter, and two granddaughters who mean the world to me. I build for their future. As I look into my grandkids’ eyes, I see hope, desire and possibilities. As they look at me, I want them to see responsibility, love, and me paying the price so they don't have to. The Bible states: “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.” I am striving to BE that Good Man!

“What I would say to anyone striving for ANY goal is, don't quit!!  When it seems hard, don't quit!!  When people let you down, don't quit!!  When friends and family turn their backs, don't quit!!  For the race is not given to the swift or to the strong, but to the one that ENDURES UNTIL THE END!

“One last tip: find a mentor…someone who has what you want, has been where you want to go. Copy them, study them, duplicate them. This is an adult game of FOLLOW THE LEADER. It's OK to be a copycat, as long as you're copying the right cat. And if one wishes to be a good leader, you must first be a good follower! Be blessed and see everyone at the top!!!”

Congratulations, Harold!


New 20/20 Club member Lucretia Gordon is originally from Atlanta, GA and currently lives in Augusta, GA. She retired from the military (Army) but her husband is still serving. They have two children, Dwayne (24) and Keishona’ (15). She shares, “I love spending time with my family and watching movies, but you have to have popcorn, which takes the movie to another level ‘in my mind.’ I have had the pleasure of visiting Hawaii, Cuba, Germany, Korea and Iraq - all during my tour of duty.

“As a PlanNet Marketing Rep, I have been afforded the opportunity to pay off my son’s student loan before he graduated in December 2016. I am able to model entrepreneurship for my family in being my own boss. Serving in the military taught me that no matter the struggle, you have to keep moving forward because you are in the business of serving others. If you are passionate about helping those unfamiliar with other options, then it is up to you to share that option. ‘No’ will come, but so will ‘yes,’ so filter through the ‘nos’ until you get the ‘yes!’
“A fun fact about me is that I am an extrovert. I have never met a stranger ;). I enjoy meeting and conversing with others. No matter where I am, I can have a conversation -  no problem -  and come out with a new associate. 

Congratulations, Lucretia!


New 20/20 Club member Adonna Macon is originally from Arkansas, has lived in California for the past 27 years, living in North County San Diego for the past two years. She is a retired Registered Nurse. Adonna travelled before joining PlanNet Marketing…both cruising and driving to Mexico, to New Orleans for the Essence Festival, and to Atlanta, GA for a family reunion. She has also been to Dallas and Amarillo, TX; Detroit, MI; Chesapeake, VA; St Louis, MO and Gary, Indiana. Since joining PlanNet Marketing, she has gotten her first three passport stamps in 30 days - from Cancun, Jamaica, and Alberta, Canada. She also attended both conventions in Atlanta and Las Vegas! Adonna has several other places on her ‘To Go List,’ such as Aruba, Costa Rica, Bali, Fiji, Europe and the Canary Islands, just to name a few!

She says, “I am achieving success by learning to be coachable. PlanNet Marketing and Inteletravel offer all the necessary tools to be successful. It’s up to me to utilize them! Staying plugged in is the key! You learn something new each call and meeting! Success is not hard but must be deliberate! I am a homebody, except for when I travel, and I am a private person. This business has definitely gotten me out of my comfort zone, but at this time in my life I wouldn’t have it any other way! In the bottom center photo above, Adonna is shown with her children and business partners, Natasha Chatters and Tyler Thornton.

Congratulations, Adonna!


New 20/20 Club Member Candis Ates shares that she was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa. She met her husband, Christopher, an Atlanta native, eight years ago, which led to her immigrating to the United States in 2012 with their daughters, Jordan and Jada. They currently reside in Lawrenceville, GA and Candis works for Alpine Access as a Team Supervisor. Candis used to be a locomotive engineer and she speaks five languages: English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu, and Sotho! She has been to Germany and Lesotho, and is currently enjoying visiting different states in the US, looking forward to a Fam trip to Mexico this June! 

She says, “Spending time with my husband and kids is my most favorite thing to do. Exposing my children to different places, cultures and foods is important to me and was one of the reasons I joined PlanNet Marketing.  I made the decision to join on June 19, 2016. This opportunity made it possible for my family to travel; something we were not able to do previously because we simply could not afford it. When I took a look at the compensation plan, I knew that this was the vehicle that would lead me and my family to financial freedom. However, I had to overcome the fear of building and networking in a country in which I am fairly new. One day, I heard Four-Star Director JP Watkins say that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real, and I said to myself "ah ha." 

Candis continues, “Even though I am new to network marketing, I have the distinct honor and privilege of being mentored by Three-Star Director Phillip Rollins, or as I call him, ‘Coach P.’  I attribute my growth to his mentorship and wealth of knowledge. I have the world of respect for this gentleman and I am truly grateful for his leadership. My personal sponsor, Nikki Jackson, has been very instrumental in my development as well. Her sheer determination and drive push me to go harder and to make adjustments, not excuses. Two-Star Director Lavonda Thornton has always been very supportive of my development and I have learned so much from her as well. I stay plugged in and run the plays my coach calls and allow myself to go through my process.  

I am excited about my future with PlanNet Marketing and I am proud of the culture Mr. Bradley has created here; this truly is a legacy company. 


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Paulette Miller to the 20/20 Club! Paulette lives in Columbus, OH and enjoys movies, concerts and meeting people from all backgrounds. She tells us that she loves traveling to the Bahamas, Florida, Gulf Shores, AL, Mississippi, New Orleans and visiting the Panama Canal.

Her system for success: “I encourage everyone to always be meeting new people to expand your circle. This will increase your list...which I like to call my success list. Show yourself friendly! My attitude is to never give up…to promote and believe in the vision of this great company. I also believe in following the leadership.”

“I follow the systems in place to win. That is to say what they say, go to all the meetings with guests, conventions and other events. Be determined to change your life as well as others! I love people and enjoy helping others and having fun!”


Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Cathy Small! Cathy tells us that she is the mother of a 20-year-old son, a six-year-old daughter, and she has been a wife for 12 years. She is originally from the Bronx, NY and now resides in Charlotte, NC, where she has lived for the past 13 years. “I love to read, travel, and work as a volunteer for different agencies. I have a passion for helping others and volunteer as often as I can. We give up a few hours on Christmas every year in my home town to go to our local shelter and feed the less fortunate who do not have families of their own.”

Cathy continues, “Before getting into this business, the extent of my travels were Florida and Las Vegas. Because of this business, I now have a passport and have traveled to Turks and Caicos, Bahamas, and Jamaica, all in 2015. Originally, I got into the business to be able to save on travel for my family and make money booking travel for others. Once I started plugging into the resources available to us, it finally clicked that I needed to work on the network marketing side as well and have never looked back. I knew I wanted more for my family and realized that working and receiving the same pay on the first and fifteenth of the month was never going to set my family free. I knew it was time to do something different and this opportunity just made sense!

My success so far is contributed to staying close to my coach, running the plays that she calls, and most importantly, being coachable. I am well on my way to financial freedom, personal freedom, and time freedom and it is because of Mr Bradley and his vision that this is even possible! DIT is my current location but not my final destination!”

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Catherine Small on achieving 20/20 Club Membership!


New 20/20 Club Member Shaketta Giles was born, raised, and resides in Conyers, GA. She says, “I have an amazing 16-year-old son. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Business with a minor in Marketing. I have found my niche. Network marketing and travel are for me!”

Shaketta tells us that she would like to travel the world. Her  bucket list consists of Egypt, Hawaii, Alaska, and Dubai and she says it’s time to get some stamps on her passport! She has been to Denver, San Francisco, Laguna Beach, Los Angeles, Boston, the Bahamas, and Miami.

When asked about achieving success at PlanNet Marketing, Shaketta shares, “I want to continue to grow my business. I am determined to be successful. I focus on my 'Why.’ Whenever I feel discouraged or become frustrated, I always revisit my 'Why.'”

Her tips for success: Duplicate, follow the PS3, remain consistent, stay close to the team, and always be willing to assist. She adds,”Stay plugged in, be coachable, follow the system set in place, always follow up with your prospects, stay committed, and remember your ‘Why!’”

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Shaketta Giles on achieving 20/20 Club Membership!


Marcus and LaFlower Bowie are the newest members of the prestigious 20/20 Club!  The couple are also Directors in Training and have qualified for the March Madness promotion!  Marcus is from Houston and LaFlower is from Brookshire, TX, a small town outside Houston. Marcus works in telecommunications and LaFlower in the GPS monitoring industry. The couple says, “We absolutely love our XL family - six girls and one boy, ages 2 - 17 - because there is never a dull moment in our house! At times we are a very playful, silly, goofy type of family who are foodies who njoy trying new restaurants.” Their interests include the kids’ activities, church, sports, community events, cooking, and music.

Although they have been in the network marketing industry for some years, they wish they would have been introduced to the business of travel much sooner. They have traveled across the United States, with Las Vegas and New York City as two of their favorites. Now they look forward to traveling more and leaving their footprints across the globe. 

Marcus and LaFlower attribute their success to some amazing coaches and leaders, such as One-Star Director Jermaine Irvin, Three-Star Directors Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Rollins, and Four-Star Director JP Watkins, all who have been with them every step of the way.

The couple offers these tips for success: “There is sooooo much power in the ‘Plug In’. In order for the business to be within you, you have to stay connected by never missing an event that you are qualified to attend. If PlanNet is in you, then focusing on your WHY will be so much easier. There will be that one event that will change your life, and for us it was the Six Figure School that took place in June of 2016 in Dallas. Hearing the vision from Mr. Bradley totally stretched our mindset and belief.”  They share these tips: 
Tip: Remain COACHABLE Teachable and Trainable
Tip: Always Counsel Up
Tip: Follow the System…It Works
Tip: Stay Humble
Tip: Work with Integrity

“We treat our business like a business and not a hobby. In our mind we paid out over $20K for the business instead of less than $200. We have a mission to help others achieve their financial goals.”


Congratulations to new One-Star Director and 20/20 Club member, Tamir Brooks! Tamir was born and raised in Oakland, CA, the first son and the seventh of nine children. Coming from humble beginnings, he says that he always wanted to live above the common existence of his surroundings. As a result he became an entrepreneur at a very young age. He relays that at age 18, a life-changing experience caused him to move from California to Nashville, TN to start a new life.

Today Director Brooks lives in Birmingham, AL, husband to La'Toya and father of two sons, ages 5 and 17, and a daughter, age 6. He's currently working full time as an electrician and building his PlanNet business part time. He loves to read, exercise, travel, and spend quality time with friends and family. Director Brooks has traveled to Mexico several times and has traveled all over the United States.

Helping people is Tamir’s passion, so sharing the PlanNet Marketing opportunity comes naturally to him. He understands success is in large numbers so he makes certain to talk to many people about the business and not get emotionally attached to their decision.  

Tamir's dream is to become a multimillionaire so that he can pioneer programs that will give back to the inner city communities from which he comes. He feels the best way to help the the less fortunate is to become financially independent in order to give back. 

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Tamir Brooks on achieving One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Membership!


PlanNet Marketing’s Three-Star and Founding Directors, Bernard and Cynthia Hampton, are now members of the prestigious 20/20 Club! Although Bernard had his humble beginnings in South Carolina and Cynthia in Washington, DC, the Hamptons currently reside in sunny south Florida. Bernard has always had an entrepreneurial spirit, as he purchased equipment and started his own lawn service at just 23 years old. This endeavor involved establishing and maintaining elite clientele, acquiring and retaining employees, overseeing records/bookkeeping and the distribution of payroll. Bernard single-handedly performed all aspects of his business while simultaneously being employed with the Cities of Coral Gables and South Miami.

The Hamptons’ greatest enjoyment is spending quality time with their children and grandchildren. They also enjoy line dancing, bowling, listening to music, playing Family Feud, watching movies, and of course traveling! Thanks to being a part of this amazing company, the Hamptons have traveled to Las Vegas, Jamaica, Haiti, Cancun, and the Bahamas within the past six months.

Bernard and Cynthia attribute their success in PlanNet Marketing to developing a fun, yet educational environment for their team. They are firm believers that you must lead by example, that the best leaders are the ones who inspire others to achieve greatness each and every day, and that people are loyal to people and not titles. The Hamptons state that recruiting, training, retention and duplication are the keys to building a strong and successful foundation.

The Hamptons’ Tips for Success:

  1. Discover your “why” and keep your “why” in front of you
  2. Stop fearing, doubting and complaining
  3. Commit to the system
  4. Open, change and expand your mind
  5. Read, read, read
  6. Always remain humble
  7. Lead by example
  8. Remember there is no “I” in the word “TEAM”
  9. You MUST become a “product” of the product
  10. Stay plugged in

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Three-Star Directors Bernard and Cynthia Hampton on achieving 20/20 Club Membership!


New 20/20 Club Member Kyra Harris is originally from New Orleans and relocated to Houston, TX in 2010. She is a licensed cosmetologist and works for a beauty brand company as a sales coordinator. Kyra loves cooking, dancing, traveling, and meeting new people. She travels frequently, with recent visits to Aruba, Cancun, Jamaica, and many US cities. She says, “I actually utilized my business perks on my recent trip to Aruba and I truly enjoyed myself traveling as a business owner versus a consumer.”  

Krya continues, “I would personally like to thank my coach One-Star Director Lavonda Thorton-Bush for training/coaching me to the success level I have currently attained in this business. She has provided me with great advice and tips that I utilize quite often when training my personal team.  

“Tips I would like to provide: REMAIN COACHABLE. You will never know everything, especially when you are in an unfamiliar new industry. Network marketing is really simple once you start allowing yourself to LEARN.  Also attend the events you are qualified to attend, which are your weekly meetings, conference calls, webinars, team calls, travel parties, Super Saturdays, and most importantly, CONVENTION. This will be life-changing and help you better understand your business and product.

“I feel I have achieved success because I remained a student of the industry (as Mr. Bradley states). Read your books - it will help you, especially in the beginning stages when you receive rejection. I used to hate picking up the phone to receive constant rejection so that is when I started utilizing more of my cold market/social media (FB, Instagram etc). Once I started receiving responses and gaining business partners (who are practically my family now), it made me proud that others admired my work ethic and willingness to ensure they succeed as well.

“What I love most about this amazing business is that I learned to OWN what my strengths are. When you OWN what your strengths are, you will not give your weaknesses a chance. I love how empowered I feel to let everyone know I am an Independent Representative of PlanNet Marketing and I can offer you the opportunity to own a travel franchise and travel the world. That introduction itself speaks volumes and that is why I love my business so much.

“A fun fact about me is that I am a great voice impersonator!  Many people who have encountered this side of me truly get a kick out of seeing how well I can imitate others.”

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Kyra Harris on achieving 20/20 Club Membership!


New 20/20 Club Member Hazel Truesdell was born in San Jose, CA and now lives in Waukegan, IL, taking the PlanNet by storm! She hit the ground running, thinking about bettering her life and cultivating the lives of each of her children (ranging from ages 3 to 20). Having interest in family and travel made PlanNet Marketing a natural fit, providing her an opportunity to find deals on bringing family together, and to see and go to new places and experience new adventures together. To make money while doing it seemed like a no-brainer.

Hazel relates that she doesn’t feel like she’s doing anything “special” to achieve her successes. She follows the system, reads daily to inspire herself and maintain her focus, and ensures she is continually plugged in. There is always something new to learn and incorporate. She knows that the more information she can absorb and take in daily can be useful to those who are a part of her team. There is a continuous cycle of give and take with each person’s focus for personal betterment that then gets brought back to the team by way of inspiration and added focus and growth as a whole. She believes the way to achieve success is to remain coachable. Maintaining this position of being a student of the business makes it easy to accept new possibilities and feed that energy back to her team as well. This place of open possibility helps her to continue leaning into the potential growth. As is said in one of her favorite quotes of inspiration and empowerment, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

“Small steps are always necessary to make long strides.”

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Hazel Truesdell on achieving 20/20 Club Membership!


New 20/20 Club Member Elicia Middleton, known as Lysa, resides in Houston, TX. Lysa tells us, “I'm interested in travel and talk radio (I co-host a talk radio show). I haven't done much traveling, which is the reason I signed up so I can change that. So far, I have done a ship inspection of the Disney Dream in Florida.

“My success comes from my enthusiasm. People see how excited I am and how my business has blessed me and they want in! Be ON FIRE about your business! If you're not, why would people think that they can be successful in this business?

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Elicia Middleton on achieving 20/20 Club Membership!


The PlanNet Marketing 20/20 Club is proud to welcome Kendra Bennett!  Kendra grew up on St. Helena Island, SC and currently lives in Columbia (Irmo), South Carolina. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Marketing degree from South Carolina State, an Associate in Health Degree from Midlands Technical College, and is also a graduate of Morris College Ministerial Extension Program, and last, but not least… a Diamond Life Member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. She is a licensed and ordained Associate Minister at the First Nazareth Baptist Church.

Kendra and her husband, Colonel Curtis Bennett, have one daughter, Michaela Alexus, who is a senior at Coastal Carolina University. Michaela is also a PlanNet team member and has achieved Silver Builder status!  

Kendra loves to travel and has a bucket list of places she plans to visit within the next few years - London, Dubai, France, and Africa!  She says, “I’ve only been in the travel industry a little over a year. I am having a great time booking travel, sharing this amazing opportunity, and having lots of fun while doing it. I take pride in sharing this opportunity as a part of my ministry, helping to change and impact lives, one family at a time.”
“As far as my success is concerned, I have to give credit to my dynamic leadership team, who spends selfless hours pouring into me. They have taught me to stay plugged in and stay focused. Furthermore, this opportunity has made me focus more on keeping my head, heels and standards high! I am so thankful to be a part of such a sophisticated organization. Each day it becomes more evident that the best is yet to come. I am definitely in it to win it!  If I could give any advice today, it would be to stay plugged in, stay focused, and stay the course. Become a student of the industry -  “Can all you get” and “Get all you can.”

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Kendra Bennett on achieving 20/20 Club Membership!



PlanNet Marketing congratulates Valencia Tolbert on becoming a One-Star Director and welcomes her to the 20/20 Club! Valencia was born and raised in New Jersey and currently resides in Laurel, MD. She is a single mother of one son, Timothy, who recently graduated with his Master’s degree from Virginia State University. She also has four godchildren.

Valencia’s interests include traveling, singing, football, music, comedy, and entertaining with family and friends, saying “These are all things that make me smile and often help me push through difficult times.” Her first international trip was to London in the month of April (with unheard of sunny 80-degree weather every day) and her first Caribbean vacation was the following year to Carnival in St. Thomas, where she tells us that “everyone embraced us and treated us like family.  After these experiences, I promised myself I would visit a new destination or two every year...and I've never looked back. I have been blessed to travel to many destinations - London, Ireland, Peru, Colombia, El Salvador, and multiple locations in the US and the Caribbean. Each destination has fueled my desire to travel more and partnering with PlanNet Marketing has increased my desire to travel better as I help others learn to do the same.”

Valencia says that her success in PlanNet Marketing has truly been a team effort. “While I had to do the work, there has been coaching, mentoring and training provided by several leaders and through key events. I would have to say being coachable and plugging in have been the winning factors. There is evidence all around our leadership team of individuals who have overcome different struggles and, even more so, who are more than willing to show us how to do the same. I also had to remain open to change, and learn to trust and embrace my process. Mindset is everything! Every battle begins and ends in the mind! Consistently feed your mind with the positive.” She shares some notes that she keeps as daily reminders:

     -- Be coachable and learn from the experts.
     -- To WIN, plug in to every call and event.
     -- Follow the system.
     -- If you are unsure about or don’t know something - ASK!
     -- BELIEVE in yourself and your dream (your Why) and NEVER give up!
     -- Don’t be afraid to make a mistake.
    --  Practice, practice, practice because practice doesn’t make perfect…practice makes your progress permanent!

Valencia continues, “I am very grateful for the new connections and relationships I've been blessed with through this opportunity. Although I have been a consumer in the travel industry for over eight years, I have come to learn about the marketing side through my mentor, my coaches, and sideline partners who have a desire to see others win. The main reason I decided to "take a closer look" was the character of the people already involved. It was their passion to help others - together we all win - and the level of integrity displayed along this journey - no hype, only facts - that showed me this was more than just a business. We are building a strong community and legacy of which I am proud to be a part. What we have with PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel cannot be duplicated because it rests in the hearts of the individuals who are helping to build and protect this legacy. With each lesson, test, and victory we learn more about ourselves and those who help lift us up. Remember, anything worth having is worth the fight/struggle and if you make the small sacrifices in the present, you will be able to live the life you desire in the future. We are growing and changing for the better, together...and it is POWERFUL! 
A fun fact: I love to crochet. It settles my thoughts and my nerves... it soothes me. I tend to work on baby blankets or scarves for others!

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Valencia Tolbert on achieving One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Membership!


PlanNet Marketing’s One-Star Director, Toby Dacosta, is now a member of the prestigious 20/20 Club! He resides in London, England where he was also born and raised. Since leaving university, Toby has been running a successful online business which has given him the freedom to travel. Over the last four years, Toby has lived in Spain, Portugal and Austria. In addition, he has experienced ten different cruise holidays and visited many other countries all over the world. Toby has always been passionate about business, cooking and sports, loves to sing, but most of all is passionate about travel. He loves table tennis and is happy to challenge anyone in PlanNet Marketing to a King of the PlanNet competition!

Director Dacosta is a firm believer in mastering the three skills to “go elite” in network marketing and says these are the skills that will position one to achieve the rank of Director. 

➤ Master Recruiter
          Understanding the PS3 system to recruit
          Organizing your daily schedule to recruit
          Working your active candidate list
          Becoming an aggressive inviter 

➤ Master Team Builder
          Creating the environment for your team to build starts with you
          3-Way calls
          Travel parties
          Social events

➤ Master Team Trainer
          The team that sweats the most in training bleeds the least on the battlefield
          Learn a skill, then teach it
          Education is key - BE the teacher!
          Key Trainings (PS3 & Fast Start)

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Director Toby Dacosta on this outstanding achievement!


Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Leinahtan "Nat" Gaiter! Nat was born and raised in the “Good Life City,” Albany, GA.  He currently resides in Clayton (Raleigh), NC with his wife of 11 years, Ebony, and their three busy sons. His interests include singing, the arts, basketball, fishing, dining, and of course traveling. He tells us that he has had the privilege of traveling to many places -  Canada, Jamaica, Mexico, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles, just to name a few. Nat shares this fun fact: “To celebrate my birthday, I decided to jump out of a perfectly good plane. It was the most adrenaline-rushing, invigorating, and dumbest thing I have ever done, but I LOVED IT!”

Nat explains, “I’m achieving success in PlanNet Marketing because I make a daily decision to be successful, not only for myself, but for my family. Someone has already traveled the road I’m traveling now; therefore, to be successful in reaching my destination, I must follow their advice of remaining coachable, remaining teachable, and allowing myself to be helped. I refuse to lose!” 

He continues, “Others can achieve any level of success if they keep this in mind - the race is not given to the swift nor to the strong, but to the one who endures until the end! In conclusion, don’t stop pursuing a dream because others choose to live a nightmare.”