Marcus and LaFlower Bowie are the newest members of the prestigious 20/20 Club!  The couple are also Directors in Training and have qualified for the March Madness promotion!  Marcus is from Houston and LaFlower is from Brookshire, TX, a small town outside Houston. Marcus works in telecommunications and LaFlower in the GPS monitoring industry. The couple says, “We absolutely love our XL family - six girls and one boy, ages 2 - 17 - because there is never a dull moment in our house! At times we are a very playful, silly, goofy type of family who are foodies who njoy trying new restaurants.” Their interests include the kids’ activities, church, sports, community events, cooking, and music.

Although they have been in the network marketing industry for some years, they wish they would have been introduced to the business of travel much sooner. They have traveled across the United States, with Las Vegas and New York City as two of their favorites. Now they look forward to traveling more and leaving their footprints across the globe. 

Marcus and LaFlower attribute their success to some amazing coaches and leaders, such as One-Star Director Jermaine Irvin, Three-Star Directors Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Rollins, and Four-Star Director JP Watkins, all who have been with them every step of the way.

The couple offers these tips for success: “There is sooooo much power in the ‘Plug In’. In order for the business to be within you, you have to stay connected by never missing an event that you are qualified to attend. If PlanNet is in you, then focusing on your WHY will be so much easier. There will be that one event that will change your life, and for us it was the Six Figure School that took place in June of 2016 in Dallas. Hearing the vision from Mr. Bradley totally stretched our mindset and belief.”  They share these tips: 
Tip: Remain COACHABLE Teachable and Trainable
Tip: Always Counsel Up
Tip: Follow the System…It Works
Tip: Stay Humble
Tip: Work with Integrity

“We treat our business like a business and not a hobby. In our mind we paid out over $20K for the business instead of less than $200. We have a mission to help others achieve their financial goals.”