
PlanNet Marketing congratulates Valencia Tolbert on becoming a One-Star Director and welcomes her to the 20/20 Club! Valencia was born and raised in New Jersey and currently resides in Laurel, MD. She is a single mother of one son, Timothy, who recently graduated with his Master’s degree from Virginia State University. She also has four godchildren.

Valencia’s interests include traveling, singing, football, music, comedy, and entertaining with family and friends, saying “These are all things that make me smile and often help me push through difficult times.” Her first international trip was to London in the month of April (with unheard of sunny 80-degree weather every day) and her first Caribbean vacation was the following year to Carnival in St. Thomas, where she tells us that “everyone embraced us and treated us like family.  After these experiences, I promised myself I would visit a new destination or two every year...and I've never looked back. I have been blessed to travel to many destinations - London, Ireland, Peru, Colombia, El Salvador, and multiple locations in the US and the Caribbean. Each destination has fueled my desire to travel more and partnering with PlanNet Marketing has increased my desire to travel better as I help others learn to do the same.”

Valencia says that her success in PlanNet Marketing has truly been a team effort. “While I had to do the work, there has been coaching, mentoring and training provided by several leaders and through key events. I would have to say being coachable and plugging in have been the winning factors. There is evidence all around our leadership team of individuals who have overcome different struggles and, even more so, who are more than willing to show us how to do the same. I also had to remain open to change, and learn to trust and embrace my process. Mindset is everything! Every battle begins and ends in the mind! Consistently feed your mind with the positive.” She shares some notes that she keeps as daily reminders:

     -- Be coachable and learn from the experts.
     -- To WIN, plug in to every call and event.
     -- Follow the system.
     -- If you are unsure about or don’t know something - ASK!
     -- BELIEVE in yourself and your dream (your Why) and NEVER give up!
     -- Don’t be afraid to make a mistake.
    --  Practice, practice, practice because practice doesn’t make perfect…practice makes your progress permanent!

Valencia continues, “I am very grateful for the new connections and relationships I've been blessed with through this opportunity. Although I have been a consumer in the travel industry for over eight years, I have come to learn about the marketing side through my mentor, my coaches, and sideline partners who have a desire to see others win. The main reason I decided to "take a closer look" was the character of the people already involved. It was their passion to help others - together we all win - and the level of integrity displayed along this journey - no hype, only facts - that showed me this was more than just a business. We are building a strong community and legacy of which I am proud to be a part. What we have with PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel cannot be duplicated because it rests in the hearts of the individuals who are helping to build and protect this legacy. With each lesson, test, and victory we learn more about ourselves and those who help lift us up. Remember, anything worth having is worth the fight/struggle and if you make the small sacrifices in the present, you will be able to live the life you desire in the future. We are growing and changing for the better, together...and it is POWERFUL! 
A fun fact: I love to crochet. It settles my thoughts and my nerves... it soothes me. I tend to work on baby blankets or scarves for others!

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Valencia Tolbert on achieving One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Membership!