New 20/20 Club Member Harold Leverett tells us, “It is an honor to be listed among the other members of this prestigious 20/20 Club!  First of all, I would like to thank God for my health and well being. I'd also like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Bradley for this great opportunity, and to my upline Director, Melodie Washington, for believing in and pushing me to accomplish this goal. I am so glad to have this opportunity in my life. I am a 27-year veteran of the Oklahoma City Fire Department. I have progressed through the ranks and achieved the level of Major, but that pales in comparison to reaching the Gold Builder status and now the 20/20 Club.” 

“My why is my family. I have two children, a son and daughter, and two granddaughters who mean the world to me. I build for their future. As I look into my grandkids’ eyes, I see hope, desire and possibilities. As they look at me, I want them to see responsibility, love, and me paying the price so they don't have to. The Bible states: “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.” I am striving to BE that Good Man!

“What I would say to anyone striving for ANY goal is, don't quit!!  When it seems hard, don't quit!!  When people let you down, don't quit!!  When friends and family turn their backs, don't quit!!  For the race is not given to the swift or to the strong, but to the one that ENDURES UNTIL THE END!

“One last tip: find a mentor…someone who has what you want, has been where you want to go. Copy them, study them, duplicate them. This is an adult game of FOLLOW THE LEADER. It's OK to be a copycat, as long as you're copying the right cat. And if one wishes to be a good leader, you must first be a good follower! Be blessed and see everyone at the top!!!”

Congratulations, Harold!