One-Star Director


PlanNet Marketing’s newest One-Star Director Cheryl Clemons was born in Chicago, IL. At the age of two, she, along with her mother and three siblings, moved to Oklahoma City, where she became a proud product of the OKC public school system and a 1987 graduate of the prestigious John Marshall High School. Cheryl was taught to have pride in herself and to always make things beautiful. With those two mantras instilled in her heart, she furthered her education at Langston University, earned a BS in Corrections, where she pursued a career with OCSO and retired early as a Corporal, with the hopes of making the lives of others beautiful.

Cheryl is also a licensed Cosmetologist, a licensed registered Medical Assistant, an X-ray Technician, an Emergency Medical Responder, a Certified Procurement Officer, a Master Instructor in Cosmetology, Lead Actress of the newly touring Stage Play “A Black Woman’s Attitude and the Men Who Want to Love Us” (which is coming back by popular demand June 9-10), and a proud representative for PlanNet Marketing!

Through all of her many career paths, Cheryl has always wanted to make things prettier, whether inside (wellness and soul) or outside (beauty and travel). Though she wears many hats, the best hats given to her by God were being a mother to four gorgeous daughters, three amazing foster children, and a Maw-Maw to six beautiful grandchildren.

Cheryl is the perfect example of never giving up on a dream. Don’t adjust your goal; increase your activity regardless of the tasks ahead. She has always enjoyed traveling, as she has toured more than 28 states, with the goal to broaden her travel experience by visiting a minimum of 50 countries during her lifetime. She gives credit for her most recent success as a Director to God, her business partners, her sponsor, Three-Star Director Melodie Washington, and Mr. Donald Bradley, who gave her the vehicle to double her pay in May. As Mr. Holton Buggs said, “It’s not the product, it’s not the comp plan, the only difference is you!” DECIDE that it can be you and it will be you! You must be balanced and follow the PS3 system if you want quick success.


Congratulations to new One-Star Director and 20/20 Club member, Tamir Brooks! Tamir was born and raised in Oakland, CA, the first son and the seventh of nine children. Coming from humble beginnings, he says that he always wanted to live above the common existence of his surroundings. As a result he became an entrepreneur at a very young age. He relays that at age 18, a life-changing experience caused him to move from California to Nashville, TN to start a new life.

Today Director Brooks lives in Birmingham, AL, husband to La'Toya and father of two sons, ages 5 and 17, and a daughter, age 6. He's currently working full time as an electrician and building his PlanNet business part time. He loves to read, exercise, travel, and spend quality time with friends and family. Director Brooks has traveled to Mexico several times and has traveled all over the United States.

Helping people is Tamir’s passion, so sharing the PlanNet Marketing opportunity comes naturally to him. He understands success is in large numbers so he makes certain to talk to many people about the business and not get emotionally attached to their decision.  

Tamir's dream is to become a multimillionaire so that he can pioneer programs that will give back to the inner city communities from which he comes. He feels the best way to help the the less fortunate is to become financially independent in order to give back. 

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Tamir Brooks on achieving One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Membership!


Congratulations to one of PlanNet Marketing’s newest One-Star Directors, Seresa Crowson! Seresa was born and raised in the Houston metropolitan area and married her high school sweetheart 23 years ago. They currently live in a suburb of Houston, Humble, TX,  where they homeschool their sons. Three of their four sons, ages 12, 14, and 19, live at home and their oldest son, daughter-in-law, grandson and grandbaby-in-the-making live just minutes away, keeping family close!
Seresa relates, “When not working my PlanNet Marketing business, we enjoy family time and our church. We helped plant a church in a neighboring suburb of Crosby, TX. Redemption Church of Crosby is a large part of our daily lives. My husband and I head the community outreach and missions department of our church where we are able to truly meet the needs of others.” 
“After receiving the diagnosis of a rare autoimmune blood clotting disorder, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, I became passionate about awareness of autoimmunity disorders and blood clots. After I survived multiple strokes and pulmonary emboli, our family became very involved in spreading awareness and education. I was misdiagnosed for more than 10 years before blood clots (pulmonary embolism) were discovered in my lungs and in turn the autoimmunity. Awareness, research, and education are key to making sure this doesn't continue to happen to others.” 

Seresa shares, “As a stay-at-home mom, I worked with a budget of one income to provide for a large family. That didn't allow for much travel. My husband's long work hours making up for my inability to work didn't give us the time freedom to travel either. We have taken a Disney trip, but it was so long ago, my younger two hardly remember it. The favorite vacation was our big ski trip in Breckenridge, CO. We have spent the majority of our vacations camping. We love the outdoors and adventures. My favorite spot is right here in Texas along the Frio River. It's breathtaking! I've only recently gotten my passport. I've been to border towns of Mexico, but other than that, the only time I've left the country was a Bahamas cruise my mother won. Thanks to my PlanNet Marketing business, my husband and I will enjoy some time in Puerto Rico while our sons spend time in the mountains with their youth group. We have lots of travel in our future! My passport will be covered in stamps!
“Our success is truly a miracle. This business was started with a prayer of dedication to the Lord. He has blessed my efforts and the efforts of our team. I have worked hard. The team has worked hard. But our efforts are blessed. I enjoy people. I enjoy connecting with people. While many of the people on our team were originally social media contacts, we have built a very tight-knit team. We meet face to face most of the time for presentations, whether one-on-one at Panera or at travel parties. Many of us are in our local community, but the vast majority is within the Houston metropolitan area. Some are friends and family members outside those areas, but the relationships are there. We have a great support system. Meeting regularly for help with training and support is much simpler and very effective when you are close in geography and/or relationship. This is truly a people business, so developing relationships helps create success.”

“My why is strong, and I keep it at the forefront at all times. I refuse to give up. My family is my priority, second only to my relationship with the Lord, so my business is a priority. I work so hard, day after day, and push so hard for my family - for our freedom from financial bondage and time bondage. My husband has worked so hard for our family for years. I will give back to him by creating a residual income with PlanNet Marketing that allows him to retire early. I may not be able to give back to him the years of our young marriage that he has worked so hard, but I can give him ten years of retirement he wouldn't have otherwise! And I will! Reminding myself day after day WHY I am pushing, keeps me pushing!  Consistency and persistence have been key. I set appointments every day for my own presentations and to assist my team. Every day. No exceptions. The more you show the plan, the more you will hear yes!” 

Seresa states that mentorship has been important. “Any time I am around someone who has achieved what I want to achieve, I spend time with them. I get whatever nuggets of wisdom and experience they are willing to share. Director Aquarius Jackson will pour into anyone who is eager. That created a great situation for me as I hungered for that mentorship. Three-Star Director Adairia Vinson has been a rock for me as well. Fortunately, there is a culture of mentorship in PlanNet Marketing. Even leaders who are nowhere near my upline have been incredibly influential in my business. One-Star Director LaVonda Thornton has been a precious mentor, even though I bring nothing to her paycheck. Game Night in Houston quickly became a favorite night to gain insight as she shared her experiences with me and gave me great tips. Plugging in regularly to meetings will create those mentor relationships that help you to grow your business.”
Some fun facts: “I was a high school cheerleader and dance team member, but also an academic in gifted classes. Drama and public speaking have always been a hobby. In high school, I won second place in a Nationals speech competition. As an adult, my favorite accomplishments are vastly different than in high school. My family and our church plant are two of my favorites!  Meeting my medical heroes, including Dr. Graham Hughes, who first described Antiphospholipid Syndrome in medical journals in the mid-1980’s, made an impact on my life. Dr. Hughes actually blogged about me once instead of me writing about him! However, one of the defining moments of my life happened recently. We call it “getting my life back.” Thanks to getting my health under control and medical science and the hand of God, I have lost half my body weight and gotten true healing in my body. Now that I have gotten my life back, I am living life to the fullest! There will be nothing but joy and success from this moment on!”

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Seresa Crowson on her outstanding achievement of One-Star Director!



PlanNet Marketing congratulates Valencia Tolbert on becoming a One-Star Director and welcomes her to the 20/20 Club! Valencia was born and raised in New Jersey and currently resides in Laurel, MD. She is a single mother of one son, Timothy, who recently graduated with his Master’s degree from Virginia State University. She also has four godchildren.

Valencia’s interests include traveling, singing, football, music, comedy, and entertaining with family and friends, saying “These are all things that make me smile and often help me push through difficult times.” Her first international trip was to London in the month of April (with unheard of sunny 80-degree weather every day) and her first Caribbean vacation was the following year to Carnival in St. Thomas, where she tells us that “everyone embraced us and treated us like family.  After these experiences, I promised myself I would visit a new destination or two every year...and I've never looked back. I have been blessed to travel to many destinations - London, Ireland, Peru, Colombia, El Salvador, and multiple locations in the US and the Caribbean. Each destination has fueled my desire to travel more and partnering with PlanNet Marketing has increased my desire to travel better as I help others learn to do the same.”

Valencia says that her success in PlanNet Marketing has truly been a team effort. “While I had to do the work, there has been coaching, mentoring and training provided by several leaders and through key events. I would have to say being coachable and plugging in have been the winning factors. There is evidence all around our leadership team of individuals who have overcome different struggles and, even more so, who are more than willing to show us how to do the same. I also had to remain open to change, and learn to trust and embrace my process. Mindset is everything! Every battle begins and ends in the mind! Consistently feed your mind with the positive.” She shares some notes that she keeps as daily reminders:

     -- Be coachable and learn from the experts.
     -- To WIN, plug in to every call and event.
     -- Follow the system.
     -- If you are unsure about or don’t know something - ASK!
     -- BELIEVE in yourself and your dream (your Why) and NEVER give up!
     -- Don’t be afraid to make a mistake.
    --  Practice, practice, practice because practice doesn’t make perfect…practice makes your progress permanent!

Valencia continues, “I am very grateful for the new connections and relationships I've been blessed with through this opportunity. Although I have been a consumer in the travel industry for over eight years, I have come to learn about the marketing side through my mentor, my coaches, and sideline partners who have a desire to see others win. The main reason I decided to "take a closer look" was the character of the people already involved. It was their passion to help others - together we all win - and the level of integrity displayed along this journey - no hype, only facts - that showed me this was more than just a business. We are building a strong community and legacy of which I am proud to be a part. What we have with PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel cannot be duplicated because it rests in the hearts of the individuals who are helping to build and protect this legacy. With each lesson, test, and victory we learn more about ourselves and those who help lift us up. Remember, anything worth having is worth the fight/struggle and if you make the small sacrifices in the present, you will be able to live the life you desire in the future. We are growing and changing for the better, together...and it is POWERFUL! 
A fun fact: I love to crochet. It settles my thoughts and my nerves... it soothes me. I tend to work on baby blankets or scarves for others!

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Valencia Tolbert on achieving One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Membership!


PlanNet Marketing’s One-Star Director, Toby Dacosta, is now a member of the prestigious 20/20 Club! He resides in London, England where he was also born and raised. Since leaving university, Toby has been running a successful online business which has given him the freedom to travel. Over the last four years, Toby has lived in Spain, Portugal and Austria. In addition, he has experienced ten different cruise holidays and visited many other countries all over the world. Toby has always been passionate about business, cooking and sports, loves to sing, but most of all is passionate about travel. He loves table tennis and is happy to challenge anyone in PlanNet Marketing to a King of the PlanNet competition!

Director Dacosta is a firm believer in mastering the three skills to “go elite” in network marketing and says these are the skills that will position one to achieve the rank of Director. 

➤ Master Recruiter
          Understanding the PS3 system to recruit
          Organizing your daily schedule to recruit
          Working your active candidate list
          Becoming an aggressive inviter 

➤ Master Team Builder
          Creating the environment for your team to build starts with you
          3-Way calls
          Travel parties
          Social events

➤ Master Team Trainer
          The team that sweats the most in training bleeds the least on the battlefield
          Learn a skill, then teach it
          Education is key - BE the teacher!
          Key Trainings (PS3 & Fast Start)

PlanNet Marketing congratulates Director Toby Dacosta on this outstanding achievement!