20/20 Club


New 20/20 Club members Rahstamond and Kheuntanese Blair are originally from Birmingham, AL, and have lived in San Antonio, TX for the past 13 years. Rahstamond has a sales background in health insurance and Kheuntanese is a nurse currently working for Humana, Inc. They are are the proud parents of four children and enjoy spending time with family and traveling with their kids. They have traveled to Disney World five times in the past six years, saying, “This opportunity couldn't have landed in our lap at a much greater time than now with our frequent trips!” 
They share, “Our success in this business has come from following the leadership and system that has been put into place. There's no need to repave a course that has been outlined on how to achieve success, when the success has been proven! We are expecting a lot of great things to happen in the near future. As long as we stay persistent and coachable, the success will come without a doubt!”
Fun Fact: “We were the high school couple with the longest first names! I guess you can say we still like each other after all of these years!”



Welcome to the 20/20 Club LaNesa Lee! LaNesa tells us that she is “30 years young and a single mother of four amazing young men, ages 13, 12, 9, and 4 years.” She loves spending time with family, enjoys reading (personal development is key), enjoys bowling, and loves cooking!  LaNesa says, “I have a passion for travel and a heart to help others. So PlanNet Marketing is a perfect fit for me! It truly gives me life to pour into the lives of others and to help them believe - to not only believe in themselves but to also believe in the purpose God has for their lives. I truly believe that everyone deserves to live by their dream and not by their circumstances. I believe if it is to be, it’s up to me! When you truly believe that the sky’s the limit, there's nothing you can’t do. I also believe that if you shoot for the moon you will land among the stars, so I just keep shooting for the moon. I also encourage my team to keep shooting for the moon and one day we will all land among the stars. One-Star here I come. #FoodStampsToPassportStamps!



New 20/20 Club member Katina Pickens was born and raised in Waxahachie, TX. She is the sixth of nine children, having five sisters and three brothers, “raised by a strong, loving, caring, and God-fearing mother who is 73 years old.” Katina has lived in Oklahoma for the past 24 years, now living in Ardmore with her fiancé  Donnie Willis, Jr. She is the mother of daughter, Ashley, and son, Keyon, and the grandmother of two gorgeous little granddaughters - Paris, 11 months and Jewel, 8 months old.
Katina tells us, “I absolutely love spending time with my family, I love cooking, and love traveling with a passion. I am very warm-natured so of course I love the beach, ocean, and warm sun - anything tropical. Over the past years I have traveled to Cozumel, Cancun, Jamaica, and Clearwater Beach, FL. I have also been to Las Vegas, Atlanta, and New Orleans several times because I love the food and the atmosphere. I would love to travel more and experience other cultures in different countries.
“That is one of the reasons I joined this business -  to travel more and earn more. I am driven to succeed so that I can retire from my 18-year job in corporate America, and even with three degrees I never seem to move up. My WHY is huge enough to keep me motivated every day to stay plugged in on calls, attend meetings, promote launch events, and work on my personal development, which is reading 30 minutes or more every day (Go Pro, Building an Empire, and The Slight Edge). You have to be coachable, consistent, and have knowledge about both of your businesses. It’s not about me, it’s about how I can help someone else. 20/20 is just another level and I am running to the next level!”



PlanNet Marketing’s new 20/20 Club member, Sonya Barnes, relates, “I’m originally from a small but proud agricultural community known as Belle Glade, FL, located in the sunny southern part of the state. I just recently moved from Jacksonville, FL in the north to my new home state of Maryland! I'm a mother of three wonderful children, wife of a loving husband, and an educator pursuing my Doctorate degree while working this business on a part-time basis. Now that I have access to a limitless amount of travel opportunities through this business, I will be going on more vacations like the 8-day/7-night Hawaiian vacation my hubby and I have experienced, as well as more international family vacations with the kids!

I attribute my success in PlanNet Marketing to consistently remembering my WHYs, which are my children, especially my son who has non-verbal autism. He gives me the determination and drive to achieve all of my goals. I am determined to use this vehicle so that I can have the time and freedom to be more accessible for him. Also, I continuously share this opportunity daily with the people that I encounter, whether it’s via social media, in the doctor’s office, in the mall, or at the local grocery store! Any time or any place is as great as any to share this life-changing opportunity, offering other families the chance for personal freedom, time freedom and financial freedom. Consistency is key!
My short-term goal is to help all of the wonderful ladies who have joined me on this journey to build their businesses and reach their goals. Moreover, my long-term goal is to use the income from this business to establish my own school for children with autism and other disabilities. Focusing on my Whys will help me accomplish this goal and all other endeavors in my travel business. I’m over the moon about this business and so grateful for this opportunity in travel.”



Welcome to the PlanNet Marketing 20/20 Club Kathryn Clark from Hyattsville, MD! Kathryn tells us her interests are bowling in her league, singing in her church choir, line dancing with friends, and traveling with family. She has traveled to Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. She relates, I am a proud “Generation Baby Boomer”, and I'm looking forward to retiring in the next four to five years. I plan to travel the world while sharing this opportunity with everyone I meet along the way!!”

Kathryn attributes her PlanNet Marketing success to the PS3 System, which she says is the most powerful tool to use.

                              P-  Piquing someone’s interest    
                              S - Sharing this wonderful opportunity    
                              3 - Three Way Call (with my awesome upline)
“I achieved success so quickly because I became a student of my own business, reading marketing books and attending meetings and events. I really believe in my success.”



New 20/20 Club member Tribel “Bell” Nickerson is originally from Portsmouth, VA and now resides in Lithonia, GA. Tribel shares that she was on a flight to Atlanta from Washington, DC and the lady next to her was on her way to the first PlanNet Marketing convention at the Marriott in Atlanta. The woman invited Tribel to come and take a look at the business opportunity and she did! When she arrived she saw the culture, the leadership, and the excitement and knew she could not be left out.
She says, “What has gotten me to the point of reaching the 20/20 Club is the powerful system that PlanNet Marketing has put in place. The average person can simply follow the blueprint and achieve greatness, and since I am already a competitive person, it just aligned with who I am. My knowledge of the travel business helped me to propel myself to this level, which is only a pitstop for me in my journey to Directorship. I have allowed my coaches to coach me and I have stayed in a position of being coachable so one day I too could be a coach and give to others what was given to me.”

“I definitely want to live in my purpose and that is to help women across the globe to live a better quality of life and recognize they can create their own destiny without waiting on their knight in shining armor to arrive! I want to help people create the life they've always dreamed about. You can achieve that if you're willing to take the ball and run with it. When I'm able to help families live a better quality of life, that is probably the most enriching feeling that I get, because when I’ve given people the opportunity to live a better life, it is rewarding.”
“So this honor and acknowledgement from PlanNet Marketing of being 20/20 is one that I appreciate. There are so many more families that need my help and support to move from embracing and settling for average to really living in the true abundance of who they were born to be. And it may be that the words I am going to share will unlock that greatness within them.”




New 20/20 Club member Jennifer Smith tells us that she is honored and blessed to be part of the 20/20 Club. She is a single mom of three amazing boys (her "why"). They reside in the small town of Findlay, OH, but also spend a lot of time at Lake Erie where her boyfriend lives. She says, “I joined this amazing business on Dec. 7, 2016. From the moment I joined, the support from the company and leaders has been one of a kind. I love being with my sons and having the time to go to all their school sporting events. PlanNet Marketing allows me to work from home and make my own schedule. It also gives me the freedom to take vacations! We love Cozumel, Mexico! We have been there four times! My family has always been very adventurous - we love boating, fishing, snorkeling, parasailing, zip-lining - you name it, we will probably do it!

“I joined this business because I love the idea of not having to sell products! I am not a good salesperson and with this you don't have to sell anything or be connected to a product. I love helping people and love the power of helping people change their lives with the business opportunity…I am addicted! I think the reason I have grown so quickly with PlanNet Marketing is staying connected with my team and leaders. You must have goals every day. Not just big goals, but little goals as well. Celebrate all your achievements but then get back to work and stay focused on your  "why.”  Getting out of your comfort zone is also very important. It is very hard to do but it enables you to grow even more, in more ways than one! Also, do NOT let ‘no’ and negative people get you down! It happens, but shake it off and keep going - it’s just part of the business and if you expect it to happen it is much easier to get over it!

“A little fun fact about me is that I have an identical twin sister! I am so lucky to have Robyn's support and also to be best friends with her and her daughter, Taylor!”


New 20/20 Club Member Elliott George was born in Jamaica Queens, NY and has lived in Charlotte, NC for the past 19 years. He relates that he loves to bowl, travel, spend time with his kids and listen to music. Elliott says, “I am a jokester and I love to laugh. I love serving God and helping the community in any way that I can. As for traveling, I have been to every state in the United States!  I have also been to Italy, China, and ten of the Caribbean Islands.”

When asked about his success, he shares, “I am achieving success by following my leaders and by staying focused. Also, I have a relentless will to never give up! A success tip would be to utilize the system, and stop “talking” so much.”


New 20/20 Club member Caressa Foreman shares, “I’ve spent most of my adult life in the Midwest. I relocated seven times throughout the Midwest as I built a fantastic career. However, I had a desire to be closer to family in my hometown of Dallas, TX. So, I relocated to Dallas and pursued my entrepreneurial interests. I’ve travelled to 20+ countries and all continents except Antarctica and Australia. I plan to visit Australia in 2018 and never visit Antarctica! My stint living in Minnesota was enough cold for me.
“The three tips I offer for success at PlanNet Marketing are as follows. First, share the information as often as possible. Second, understand your prospects’ needs prior to offering the information so you can tailor the information to their needs. Lastly, collaborate with mentors to set SMART goals for your business growth and identify the effort and activity it will take to achieve those results.”



Welcome to the 20/20 Club, new One-Star Director Shekethia Claiborne! Shekethia is an Army veteran from Natchitoches, LA and currently resides there. She is an income tax preparer by profession with multiple tax offices located in Louisiana and Texas. She says, “My children are my motivation to be successful. I love to laugh, have fun, travel, go to NBA basketball games, try new things, listen to music, read, write, eat crawfish and other foods, spend time with family/friends, and help people. I've traveled to many places and among my favorites so far are Cancun, New York, London, Montego Bay, Toronto and Houston, which is my second home. I frequently travel with my children and my significant other, but I gladly travel alone when they can't go with me. Cruising has become my favorite way to travel.”
She continues, “I've achieved success by keeping close communication with both my upline and downline, constantly sharing the opportunity with others, attending all trainings/events I've been able to attend, and using social media as a tool to pique interest. People love to see you travel; seeing you makes them want to travel too, and therefore, makes them interested in becoming travel agents.
“One of the best pieces of advice I can give is to not be discouraged by all the people who say no to this opportunity. There are so many people just like you and me who want to to embrace the world of travel. Keep going through the numbers until you find those people, no matter how long it takes. They're out there so don't give up!”


New 20/20 Club Member Yolanda Bennett is originally from Newark, NJ and moved to Stone Mountain, GA in July 2016. Her interests include working out, reading, and traveling to new places. She has been to the Dominican Republic, Bahamas, and Jamaica. 
Yolanda shares her success, “I've achieved success with PlanNet Marketing by keeping my WHY (my beautiful daughters) in front of me and being a wholehearted student of this industry. I've done network marketing before, but when I found the perfect product, solid leadership, and immersed myself into studying the craft of network marketing, my results started to appear. I've never felt more equipped and excited about network marketing. My advice to anyone experiencing difficulties is stay focused and plugged into everything (calls, trainings, events) and READ, READ, READ!


New 20/20 Club Member Charmaine Turner (Camet Turner on Facebook) was born in Kingston, Jamaica and raised in Queens/Long Island, New York. She now resides in sunny Palm Bay, FL and works in a corporate legal department within the insurance industry. Charmaine enjoys traveling, shopping and spending quality time with family. Last year her travel journeys included stops in: New York, Georgia, Florida Keys, Nevada, Colorado, Texas, Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, Jamaica and Canada. She is looking forward to many more trips worldwide! Bucket list trips include Hawaii, a cruise, Dubai, and China. She shares this fun fact: Her Facebook name Camet Turner represents her full name, Charmaine Ann-Marie Elliott-Turner.
Charmaine tells us, “I achieved my success in this journey because I treat every prospect as my G.U.E.S.T. 
G = Greet them and find out a little bit of information about them
U = Understand their goals and listen to what they are needing
E = Explain how those goals can be achieved with this opportunity
S = Suggest the best option for them based on what they set for their goals
T = Thank them for taking the time to speak with me
In order to achieve success in this industry, you must remain coachable! Attend your local meetings, go to the conventions, stay plugged in! The calls have been provided for our benefit in order to grow our business. Always remember your "why" and why you got started in the business, and never lose sight of that. We will all achieve, if we just believe!”



Welcome to PlanNet Marketing’s 20/20 Club Tracy McCain Lowery! Tracy is from Charlotte, NC and her husband Meko is a United States Marine. She is the mother of four and a yaya of three! Tracy shares, “All I can say is Wow! I am a lover of God; He makes all the good in my life happen. I also love to travel; I love the beaches of the world. I am a big fan of water, from the beaches to the jacuzzi...I love the water!”
She shares her success: “I stay plugged in to all calls throughout the day. Since I fired my boss and made this my full-time job, I stay plugged in. My day starts at 6:30 with the prayer call to after midnight with the Midnight Madness calls when available.
“I wish everyone who joins this business could see the VISION. It’s a great place to be and 20/20 is just a pit stop. I say to myself daily…next level! It’s not stopping anytime soon. I will continue to share this business on social media, off social media, with church family, my family, my friends, your friends - anyone I come in contact with will hear of this great company called PlanNet Marketing!”  #icanchangeyalife



Welcome to the 20/20 Club Marquita Lomax (better known as Kita)! Kita is 26 and was born and raised in Greenville, SC, and currently resides in Piedmont, SC (Greenville area). She tells us, “I enjoy playing tennis; music is my go to for peace and Zen; I often tutor in algebra and Spanish (but can’t speak it fluently - crazy right?); I also enjoy food, and gaining knowledge on travel and increasing my business.”

Kita relates that her travel experiences were slim to none, which was another reason why she got into the business. Her first flight was to the Convention in Vegas in April. Anywhere she has ever been has been by car.  Being from Greenville, she has been to places like Charlotte, Atlanta, Myrtle Beach, and Charleston. She has visited DisneyWorld twice; Virginia Beach; Savannah,GA; Dollywood and Pigeon Forge, TN; and Cincinnati, OH, which was the one place that definitely caught her by surprise and is one of her favorite places to have visited, with so much culture in the area and so many places to eat!

Kita says, “My success comes from my coaches and facing my fears! My sponsor, Natalie Graham, stressed to me before on all the potential I had and how far I could go, but I didn’t have the sense of urgency. Once I reached Gold, I got comfortable (BIG MISTAKE). In January I reached my first year anniversary and I felt like I had nothing to really show for it. I spent my first year building up my clientele, which is great, but I still hadn’t taken an extravagant trip or anything. And then I went through a traumatic time so it brought that sense of urgency I had been missing in my business because I needed a distraction. I needed to pour all my time and energy into something positive and productive, and I did so with my business. I started back by booking trips and pouring out positive vibes to everyone I crossed paths with, especially my team. It was like once they saw me doing more, it motivated them to do so as well on the Rep side. This year, I have brought in more people in the first quarter of this year than I did in 2016 alone!”

“I hear often how this is a numbers business, but it’s also about your mindset. You have to be confident in you. The confidence in the product is inevitable because it is what attracted you to the business, but your mindset and confidence in yourself is what builds your business. The foundation is already put in place. My upline, my mentors, my business partners in our direct organization - that is my foundation. It’s solid. But my mindset and confidence in myself is what I have control over and once I grasped that concept, there was no stopping me. I am picky with whom I want on my team. I am able to build and lead with the mindset that my team needs. I strive to be a leader. I am not where I want to be yet but I know with the foundation, mentorship and mindset that I now have, my team and I will all be walking across the stage at the next convention as Directors.


New 20/20 Club member Latashia Alexander, her husband of almost 16 years, and their two children reside in Grand Prairie, TX. Latashia is originally from Birmingham, AL.

Latashia’s interests are varied - she loves all things adventure, anything that helps her save a dollar or two or a thousand(!), spending time with her family, and helping others achieve their maximum potential.  She tells us that in 2006 she gave birth to a little girl as a gestational surrogate mother and had penned two books to help surrogates and intended parents understand the process.

Latashia is a United States Army Disabled Veteran. Being former military, she was stationed in Germany, but since that time her travels have all been stateside. It was not until the launch of her travel business that she and her husband took their first trip to Mexico! She says, “Since starting this business, I am in the air at least four times a month!! I know social media is tired of me!!”

When asked how she has achieved success at PlanNet Marketing, Latashia shares, “Zig Ziglar said it best that ‘You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want’. From the very inception of my involvement with this business, I had no intent to focus on ranks or how to get there. My focus has, and will always be, showing people the value in the product (travel) and that the marketing side is the cherry on top. In one month of ‘being an example,’ traveling, and consistency, I welcomed 20 business partners! Honestly I had no idea what silver or gold meant when I started! The one tip I would pass along is the more you focus on ‘outward recognition’ and ranks, the less time you have to actually give people what they want! The unselfish act of focusing on others and growing your business by giving value will result in success!  See you at the top!”


Welcome to the 20/20 Club Crystal Armstrong! Crystal is from Dallas, TX and owns a boutique marketing consulting firm specializing in public relations and branding. She will celebrate 11 years in business this July! She tells us her interests include “traveling (of course), reading, and trying new adventures - I’m currently enamored with zip lining! A little fun fact about me is that I really enjoy the challenge of DIY home projects, and recently installed a new shower head and faucet!  I’m totally a fan of HGTV!”
Crystal‘s most recent travel experiences are Dubai and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (January 2016); Los Cabos, Mexico (June 2016); and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic (December 2016).  The UAE was her most life-changing travel experience to date!  “It’s the longest non-stop flight I’ve taken - 14.5 hours going and 16 hours returning, and I absolutely loved the culture!  I learned so much during my two week visit and met some amazing people whom I still maintain contact with today!  It is a place I plan to visit annually to explore other emirates and see all of the new development in Dubai!”
Crystal shares that she achieves success at PlanNet Marketing by setting S.M.A.R.T. goals for herself, leveraging relationships with business partners to optimize each opportunity to share the business, being supportive of her team, and assisting them with building their businesses. She is open to recommendations to grow her business and will try proven methods to test if they will also work for her. She says, “One of the greatest attributes of this opportunity is being able to partner with people I choose to work with and collaborating to help all of us rise together!
“I achieved success so quickly because I made a decision to put forth the effort! I prayed for direction from God and asked Him to order my steps, and to send the right people into my life as business partners!  People started to contact me and follow up from previous interactions, and I invested the time and effort to build my team. Not everyone you share the opportunity with will join you, and some who join you will not stay, but those who are meant to be here will come to stay and make positive contributions! Surround yourself with like-minded people who aspire to achieve the same or similar goals, and who will encourage you while holding you accountable!”


Welcome to the 20/20 Club Chrishana and Sam Granger! Chrishana is from Philadelphia, PA, but spent her high school years in Mobile, AL. Sam is from Birmingham, AL. The couple and their two children, Savannah and Sam III, reside in Athens, AL. They have been together for 16 years and just celebrated their 10-year wedding anniversary this past November. They enjoy spending time at the beach with their family, listening to live music, college football, tailgating, going to theme parks, attending concerts and mentoring youth. They have traveled to numerous destinations all over the world, including Ireland; London; Cancun, Cozumel and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico; Orlando, FL (Walt Disney World); Nassau, Bahamas; Maui, HI and San Juan, PR.

Chrishana loves dance and has been the Head Dance Coach for Alabama A&M University for eight years. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and Sam is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Sam is a huge New England Patriots fan and because of the PlanNet Marketing opportunity, he had the chance to experience his first game at Gillette Stadium two weeks after they started their business!

Chrishana shares, “Our success at PlanNet Marketing has been surreal. We entered the industry as inexperienced networkers/entrepreneurs but our ambition and unwavering drive was just what we needed to succeed. Our children are the driving force of everything that we do, so giving up or not putting forth the necessary effort was not an option. The success we’ve experienced thus far is also a direct reflection of our learning how to trust the process, remaining coachable and open-minded, plugging into every opportunity call or meeting that we could take advantage of, and committing ourselves to learning the value of our investment by studying it daily.”

When asked how they achieved success so quickly, Chrishana said, “This could easily be summed up into one word: Posture! We are completely confident about what this investment can do for people because we’ve witnessed it first-hand. So when we talk about it, our passion is evident and our posture is intentional. There were times when we were definitely stretched outside of our comfort zones (lol) but in the end, we realized that those things were also designed to help us accomplish our goals. We challenge all new business partners to set their goals up front and make themselves accountable and dedicated to learning about their investment. We believe that learning the product is the first step in achieving success and here’s why:

> Learn your product and your posture will change (tell people about it, don't sell them on it).
> Learn your product and your conversation will change because you won't be afraid to talk about it!
> Learn your product and you'll attract those ideal clients and business partners!


New 20/20 Club Member Marygail Harmon, originally from Lompoc, CA, is from San Antonio, TX and is a huge advocate for fitness and an avid runner. She relates, “I took up marathon running about nine years ago, and it changed my life! I’ve had to take it easy this year, as I’m still recovering from the disk replacement surgery I experienced last fall, but I’m slowly working my way back. With a shared passion for running and travel, the goal is to run at least two marathons (abroad) every year when I’m back to form. 

“I spent 22 years on Active Duty Military, so I have been blessed to travel all over the world! I’ve lived in and visited close to 30 different countries. I can’t say that I have a favorite (country), because I have so many fantastic memories in each. I will say that my most memorable moment to date was finishing the Athens Marathon in the original Panathenaic Stadium. It was one of the toughest courses I’ve ever encountered, so finishing in the stadium where the first modern day Olympic Games were held was epic.” 

Marygail shares this about her PlanNet Marketing success: “While I still have a ways to go, consistency has really been the key to the success I’ve achieved thus far. The more consistent and intentional I become in ‘minding my business’ the easier it is to help my business partners/team do the same.

“Staying plugged in and personal/professional development have been instrumental in transforming how I view and present this opportunity to others. There aren’t too many opportunities out there that are as transparent in providing limitless financial means to help achieve your goals, no matter what they are, as does PlanNet Marketing. I truly believe this is the opportunity of a lifetime!  The best tips/techniques I can offer are the ones that have been offered time and time again. Make sure you are leveraging the time and talent of the amazing leadership in every market, stay plugged in to company news, and continue to personally develop. 


New 20/20 Club Member Darryl Jenkins was born and raised in the Washington, DC area, and currently resides in Hyattsville, MD. His interests are traveling, helping others, spending time with his godsons, and cooking. Darryl relates, “Although I am really busy focusing on building my business in travel, cooking really is like therapy to me and keeps me grounded.” 
Darryl continues, “Having been a business manager of a local high school marching band in DC and being responsible for booking all travel arrangements, it sparked something inside of me. Prior to joining the travel business, I prolonged applying for my passport, and as a result my travel was really limited. I had visited Houston, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Alabama, Tennessee, New York, and Atlanta. Now that I have my passport, this will now change, as I am looking forward to traveling to places like Mexico, Jamaica, and perhaps Paris, France!

“My success comes from a place of passion. Wanting to help others and being able to expose them to an amazing opportunity that can change their lives, as well as their families’ lives, is an awesome feeling. A tip I would pass along would be the same as I share with my organization…remain humble, remain consistent, and stay connected. Oftentimes we tend to drift away from our sponsors or disconnect ourselves, which limits our ability to grow in the business.

“I believe I achieved success so quickly because I was consistent in exposing my warm market to the business opportunity. Many already understand the type of passionate person I am so when I commit to doing something, it has to be really beneficial for me. Therefore, they placed their trust in me and became partners, for which I feel honored.”