Welcome to the PlanNet Marketing 20/20 Club Kathryn Clark from Hyattsville, MD! Kathryn tells us her interests are bowling in her league, singing in her church choir, line dancing with friends, and traveling with family. She has traveled to Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. She relates, I am a proud “Generation Baby Boomer”, and I'm looking forward to retiring in the next four to five years. I plan to travel the world while sharing this opportunity with everyone I meet along the way!!”

Kathryn attributes her PlanNet Marketing success to the PS3 System, which she says is the most powerful tool to use.

                              P-  Piquing someone’s interest    
                              S - Sharing this wonderful opportunity    
                              3 - Three Way Call (with my awesome upline)
“I achieved success so quickly because I became a student of my own business, reading marketing books and attending meetings and events. I really believe in my success.”