New 20/20 Club members Rahstamond and Kheuntanese Blair are originally from Birmingham, AL, and have lived in San Antonio, TX for the past 13 years. Rahstamond has a sales background in health insurance and Kheuntanese is a nurse currently working for Humana, Inc. They are are the proud parents of four children and enjoy spending time with family and traveling with their kids. They have traveled to Disney World five times in the past six years, saying, “This opportunity couldn't have landed in our lap at a much greater time than now with our frequent trips!” 
They share, “Our success in this business has come from following the leadership and system that has been put into place. There's no need to repave a course that has been outlined on how to achieve success, when the success has been proven! We are expecting a lot of great things to happen in the near future. As long as we stay persistent and coachable, the success will come without a doubt!”
Fun Fact: “We were the high school couple with the longest first names! I guess you can say we still like each other after all of these years!”