20/20 Club



New 20/20 Club member Herminia Flores tells us she was born and raised in Brownsville TX, and now resides in San Antonio. She is the mother of four boys, ages 15 to 24, and grandmother to two grandbabies aged three. She loves to travel and spend time with her family and she loves to watch basketball, mainly the San Antonio Spurs! She likes to watch any team sport!  Herminia has traveled to Mexico, Dominican Republic (Punta Cana), New York, Memphis, Bahamas, California…and her favorite, Las Vegas! She says the craziest thing she loves to do is Halloween dress-up (see slide show!).

She relates, “I can surely say I model after the Spurs game activity by being a team player who is driven by targets and goals! Share this opportunity to EVERYONE...every day and give the information to people who are willing to change their lives. I love to help people and enjoy life...people see me as the outgoing and crazy fun person all the time and a young Grandma!

“I am just thankful for the opportunity and the new life ahead for me and my family. Thanks PlanNet!” 




Meet new 20/20 Club member Ronald Mahomes. Ronald was born in Alexandria, LA, lives and works in Baton Rouge, and also maintains a residence in Ellenwood, GA.
Ronald shares, “Before joining PlanNet Marketing I had a strong interest in travel, which is why the business was so attractive when it was presented to me. Now that it allows me to make money and save money, and do more of what I had been doing anyway, it remains my #1 interest. It is closely followed by my #2 interest - being an avid Dallas Cowboy’s fan. As the son of an Air Force veteran I lived in Germany, France, and Texas. My personal travel experience includes trips to Jamaica, Turks & Caicos, the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic, Maui, Lake Tahoe, Northern and Southern California, Las Vegas, New York, Virginia Beach, Orange Beach, South Beach, Destin, Key West, Washington DC, Chicago, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Memphis, Reno, Baltimore, Denver, San Antonio, Galveston, Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Seattle, among others.
“I can attribute my success to being teachable and coachable, and willing to follow the system. It works! I am plugged in - I am on the calls, attending all events that I qualify for, hosting travel parties, supporting my fellow business partners, and offering assistance in any way that I can. In addition, the leadership and mentoring I receive from my Three-Star Director Tony Fleming has been and continues to be invaluable in achieving the success that I have.
“The best advice I can give my fellow up-and-coming business partners is to master the PS3. It is a system that is designed to move your prospects along in an efficient and productive manner. As a retired military officer, I appreciate the discipline and structure that the PS3 provides and the results it produces.
“Here’s a fun fact - I had, and still have, a celebrity crush on Halle Berry. In the early 90s I was at an Atlanta Braves game and found myself sitting right next to her. I didn’t realize it was her at first (she was in a disguise), but when I did, I asked her for her autograph. She gave it to me and I still have that autograph today!”




PlanNet Marketing welcomes Stacy Holling to the 20/20 Club. Stacy was born and raised in a rural town in Minnesota that she moved to eight years ago. She says, “There’s something about where your roots were planted that you return back to. I enjoy gardening, as in vegetables, because I am better off having those beautiful fake flowers from a craft store. I enjoy doing crafts, spending time with my husband as well as my children, and last but not least, planning our next adventure.

“I always loved to go places with my grandparents when I was growing up, so I now have been able to pass those same adventures on to my children, even more so with this business. We have been to Disney, several hotel stays,and our next adventure will take us on a cruise in March 2018. I can’t wait to plan more as a family and maybe a couple of getaways for the adults.

“My success with this company has been nothing short of amazing! When I was first introduced to PlanNet Marketing, my first thought was this will be another one of “those” things I don’t do well at. I was wrong, way wrong! There is so much energy, support, duplication, and leadership here that when you put the dedication in, you really can get somewhere. I went to convention in Las Vegas and I would have to say that was a game changer as well. I have achieved so much already in these short six months that I thought would be impossible, but I knew there was a MUCH bigger world out there!

“To the person reading this, I would like you to know you MUST have a vision of where you want your vehicle to go. We all have a ton of ideas floating around in our heads all the time, but they are only dreams until you write them down and can see that they can become a reality. This is so crucial to be able to help you become successful. The other word you need to become a friend of is…believe! If you believe, you will do everything it takes to get where you need to be. Guess what? It happens! You will find that belief and vision go hand-in-hand. The other thing you need to do is follow the tools your leaders are providing, because these are the tools that are proven to work, and will work for you as well.

“I am a person who works well under pressure, but in the same moment I have a passion for people. I enjoy helping others inside the company as well as those that I come across for this amazing opportunity. At the end of the day, it has nothing to do with the commission I made, but instead the lives that have been changed that day!”



New 20/20 Club Member Maxine McDonald was born in Jamaica, coming to the UK as a young child. She currently lives and works in South East London. Her interests are in all things historic, reading, and visiting. She has a keen interest in Reformation history and the Christian Church. She shares, “I like eating out, especially Mediterranean cuisine, and keeping fit. I have one daughter and I will be a grandmother in October. To say I’m overjoyed would be an understatement.”    

Maxine continues, “I have travelled to many countries in Europe. I particularly love Italy - you see the history connection? I’ve visited several states in the U.S. I especially love the United Kingdom. My friends laugh at me because I love the journey as much as I love the destination. My friends and family say that I’m a natural saleswoman. So when I was introduced to network marketing it was like “a match made in heaven.” I understand the solid principles of networking and how to achieve success. I believe that I have finally found the right product to succeed with. As we say in the UK, travel is a no-brainer.

“Whatever you do will duplicate so I teach good practices, not only in the business protocols but also when it comes to dealing with potential prospects and customers. I’ve learned the importance of transparency, to lead with the product, and to meet prospects at their point of need rather than focusing on my own needs to the extent that I forget it’s about helping others reach their goals. Regardless of my success, I know that God has ordered my steps and so I just do what’s right by Him and the rest they say, is His-story.

“On a lighter note: Nelson Mandela attended my University graduation, not by personal invitation I hasten to add, but by chance. He winked and raised his thumb in approval as I walked past him with degree in hand -  the smile on my face! My nerves prevented me from going up to him for a hug despite him being no more than a foot away from me!” 




New 20/20 Club members Allen and Jeannette Childs are both retired Army veterans and reside in San Antonio, TX. Allen is originally from Columbus, OH and Jeannette is originally from Chicago, IL. They are the parents of six children ranging in age from 11 to 32 and also have six grandchildren. Jeannette states, “We love working out and spending time with both our huge families. We are active in our church and are greeters and members of the family ministry team in which we support and build family relationships.”  Allen has also coached a local football team in San Antonio, the Alamo City Riders, for boys ages seven to eight.

While in the military, Allen traveled to Korea three times and Jeannette traveled to Germany, Korea, Italy and the Czech Republic. As travel agents, they have been to Punta Cana (their favorite travel experience), Fort Lauderdale, Las Vegas and the Bahamas.

Allen states, “We are achieving success at PlanNet Marketing because we’re a team at home and a team when working our business. We recognize each other’s strengths and we don’t compete for attention. We achieved success so quickly because of our outstanding leadership, being coachable and following the process. We encourage our team to be patient and trust the process because everything will come to you at the right time!

“A fun fact about us: When we were dating, we decided to add each other on Facebook and discovered that we had over 500 mutual friends from our career in the Army! We had even trained and led the same soldiers! During our 20 years in the Army we had come in contact with the same people but never crossed paths until the end of our military careers. We are thankful that God led us together and also grateful He led us to PlanNet Marketing!” 




New 20/20 Club member Faith Johnson says, “I tend to tell people I am not from just one place but that I represent three: New York, South Carolina, and Florida. Therefore, while I currently reside in Wesley Chapel, FL, you will often find me commuting between New York, South Carolina and Florida. I’ve had an intense love for travel for as long as I can remember. Perhaps I have wanderlust at my core. I also love experiencing new and exciting things, as well as building authentic relationships through connecting with others. I doubt there is enough time in the world to share all of my travel experiences. As I’ve previously mentioned, I have been in the travel industry for some years, which has yielded me the opportunity to travel all over the world to places such as Egypt, Europe, Eastern and Western Caribbean, and Mexico.”

Faith shares, “I’ve been the owner and CEO of my own travel business for over 20 years; I’ve also retired from a large multinational financial services organization, but that is not all of who I am. I am a board member of Have Faith Open Door Ministries located in Alcolu, SC. This compassionate, family-run organization is comprised of individual ministries that provide help to abused and abandoned women and children who are in need, 24/7 hospice care for the elderly, and also raise breast cancer awareness, among many other ministries.

“I have achieved success in PlanNet Marketing by putting God first and allowing Him to continue to order my steps. I make it a habit of staying connected, asking questions, and always being available to my team. This has been an incredible journey which has enabled me to continue to connect with new people, experience new things, and build authentic relationships, which are all pieces of the thread that make up the fabric of me. I live by my father’s motto: “HELP ME TO HELP SOMEBODY.

“A little known fact about me is that I love me some dessert. It's my favorite part of a meal and in fact, I'd eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I could!”




New 20/20 Club Member Billy Morton is originally from Southeast Washington, DC and currently resides in Oxon Hill, MD. His interests are being a great father, giving back to the community, riding motorcycles, and traveling the world. Billy’s travel experiences include the Maldives, Cancun, Jamaica, Aruba, and the Dominican Republic - just to name a few.

He relates, “With great leadership from Preston and Imani Scott along with the Powells, I have gained the knowledge and experience of being a successful coach to my team through the education of travel and great leadership advice. With a great work ethic, people understand that with whatever business venture I put my foot into, I’m going to be successful! As a retired 42-year-old Metro worker and a single father, I believe that in order to be successful in any venture, you must have a strong foundation and my team is just that, my strong foundation.

“My team has helped me to remain encouraged and has given me the determination to be an example of what we can and will become. I was often criticized for building a team that was 95% women, but I would not have it any other way. After being raised by a single mother, I learned that women are the strongest beings on this planet and our team keeps each other grounded and focused. I am proud of what we have achieved thus far and we are going to continue to go up from here!”




New 20/20 Club member Chanée Anderson is a native of Philadelphia, PA, but considers herself a California girl after residing in Rancho Cucamonga, CA for over 25 years, where she lives with her husband, Norman Anderson. She shares, “My interests include travel, cooking, decorating and like most women…shopping!  I enjoy collecting things from all of my travels to decorate my home and also purchasing culinary items to use in my everyday cooking.  Lately, I have been purchasing coffee from around the world. It’s nice to wake up, and depending on the mood, enjoy a cup of coffee that is reminiscent of global travel. It is a nice reminder of all the beautiful places I have traveled. What is really interesting is, although I have been to many places, this year I received my first stamp on my passport. By December of this year, I will have five different stamps from traveling this year alone. We have been to Jamaica twice this year, the Dominican Republic, Cancun, and will be leaving shortly for Cancun again to attend the prestigious Mark Travel Summit Convention. We have also been to Belize, Honduras, Costa Maya, and Cozumel. At this point, the calendar for 2018 is practically full already. It is such a pleasure that travel and business coincide.

“We are achieving success with PlanNet Marketing by following and utilizing the pearls of wisdom given to us by various people in our organization. There are a few who stand out who have helped us in our journey. I would say most recently, Shedrick White used the analogy of offering coffee to patrons if you work at a restaurant. You have to be okay with the no’s as well as the yes’s. It is the no’s that propel you forward in receiving the yes’s. And more importantly - be patient in the process. Sometimes you may want fast results, but it is more important to have steady growth and success in reaching your personal goals.”

Chanée continues,“Achieving personal goals was something that was highlighted in the Women in Black event in Los Angeles. Tiffany McIntosh was brilliant in explaining that everyone has a different path in reaching their goals.  It is important not to compare yourself to others. It is also important to have a strategic plan and to execute the plan daily. The prayers and considerations of Walter and Tiffany Powell stay on our hearts and minds daily.  I know it meant a lot to my husband in particular to have Mr. Powell answer his calls when it was needed the most. They went out of their way to minister to myself and my husband during trying times. We can all agree that the fireball Mrs. Tiffany Powell is girl power at its best. Last, but not least, Marva and Willie Jones and Erick and Dejoire Benson are our local support system. As a team, they have collectively assisted in working with us in the areas of personal growth and development. My advice would be to learn the process and take your time. It is better to be knowledgeable and gain some experience in order to properly mentor and build your team.

“I would not say I have achieved success quickly. It has been steady yet consistent growth. I put in countless hours for my business in ways of marketing through multiple streams of social media, as well as attending many industry events, local and chamber events, and working daily with those on my team. I am personally invested in the growth and success of each and every one of my business partners.

“A fun fact about myself that most people would find to be very interesting is, as outgoing and social as I appear to be, my closest friends know that I am actually quite shy, reserved and sensitive by nature. You will rarely find me on a dance floor; although I am a great dancer, I usually don’t dance because I am just that shy. I am an only child, and as I get older, I find that I like spending quite a bit of time by myself when I am not with my family.”



Welcome new 20/20 Club members Stuart and Mona Grandison! Stuart is a native of Linden, NJ and Mona is a native of Boston, MA. They currently reside in McCalla, AL, which is nestled between the two popular cities of Birmingham and Tuscaloosa, AL They have been married for 15 and a half years and have a blended family, which includes six children - two boys and four girls. Stuart has been a truck driver for 36 years and Mona is a former paralegal and currently owns a mobile tax preparation business. Stuart has an interest in old car restoration and Mona loves to travel. As a truck driver, Stuart has traveled to all 50 of the United States and they have both visited five Caribbean countries since becoming a part of the travel industry, almost 4 years now.

Mona is the people person of the partnership. She has personally sponsored all 20 agents since partnering with InteleTravel. She loves booking travel and helping people to understand the value of being a travel agent instead of a travel consumer. She has educated herself on various vendor portals and was a qualified IATA agent with a previous host agency and is on track to achieving the Travel Guru status with InteleTravel before the end of the year. The love of the industry and the knowledge Mona has obtained has allowed her to help their agents get in profit mode once they've started their own travel business. Also, being a tax preparer, she has helped them and others maximize the tax deductions that are afforded to someone with a home-based business. They have also created a family as it pertains to their team. Mona's motto is No One Left Behind.

The Grandisons strongly encourage every PlanNet Marketing Rep to know the product. They explain, “People want tangible things and with this business being an e-commerce business, it lacks the physical, touchy-feely objects on the front end. However if you train people how to book travel they can earn some touchy-feely cold hard cash on the back end! And in this economy we can all use a few extra dollars in our bank accounts.”

Mona says that she holds the hands of all of her agents until they “shake themselves off.” She prides herself on the fact that she wants to be the leader she wished she had in previous opportunities, so Reps don't just recruit agents and depend on only InteleTravel to train them. “The agents who partnered with you, partnered with YOU!  It's your responsibility to help them until they are ready to soar all by themselves!”



New 20/20 Club Member Arien Ragster is from Shreveport, LA and currently resides there. She tells us that her interests are meeting and helping new people and spending time with her family. Arien has studied abroad in Beijing, Suzhou, and Shanghai, China while pursuing her MBA from Texas Southern University to learn about international companies and the global complexities between domestic and foreign trade.

She says, “I believe the greatest way to achieve success is to build rapport with your prospects and business partners, stay plugged into the calls, expose as many people to the business, and take full advantage of the PS3 system. I stay close to my Directors, Lynn Hendricks, Gregory Scott, and Orlanda Moore. When they share a play, I know to do it. I believe that you should surround yourself with people who inspire you to dream bigger. Directors Hendricks, Scott, and Moore have been nothing short of a blessing to my life, my family, and my business!”

“I joined PlanNet Marketing because I'm engaged to be married and this business has helped me to not only help fund my wedding and go on a honeymoon for pennies on the dollar, but also make multiple streams of income on a part-time basis and have the opportunity to leave generational wealth for my children.”



Welcome to the 20/20 Club Chanelle and Terry Fry! Chanelle shares, “We are both from South London, born and raised here!  We have a young son, Finlay, who is seven, and who shares the same passion for travelling that we do! We live for our family holidays, which is what originally attracted us to the opportunity. Aside from travelling, we enjoy going for walks and camping in the UK. We really got the travel bug a couple of years back when we met a family in Bali, Indonesia and have been to some fantastic parts of the world together. We've seen some great things from the Northern Lights in Iceland, to the Night Spectacular at Disney in Florida, and have lots more destinations on our goal board to tick off!”

Chanelle tells us her hobbies include running, shopping, and reading -  with a love for self-development books and studios.Terry enjoys football, keeping fit, and skiing. 

“We believe our success comes down to a real passion for the business which is infectious when sharing the opportunity! We talk to everybody about the business and never discount somebody or pre-qualify that this would not be for them...everyone's a prospect! Always look for leaders, not followers, and work closely with those who want success and put the effort in. We provide our own team trainings and support and love to give recognition and team incentives.

“Create a team brand and identity what will attract people to your business and market yourself well on social media. We teach our team attraction marketing, which in turn brings great people into our team.”

Chanelle says up until a few years ago she was terrified to fly long distance! Now the family can't get enough and would happily spend all their time in the air!  She concludes, “It just goes to show the magic really does happen when you step outside of your comfort zone!”



New 20/20 Club member Kenzie King lives in Weston, ID, a tiny town of 500 people and MANY cows. She says, “I am an animal lover, so it works out great for me!

“I have MANY interests and they span the spectrum! I love to do stained glass, paint with watercolor, and experiment with cooking. I almost went to culinary school but ended up buying a screen printing business instead and have been doing that since 2006. I am a mother and I love watching my young daughter learn and grow. I love old buildings and used to work in historic restoration with my brother. My favorite job I have had is as a stonemason. I love finding the beautiful in the ordinary; that may be my main interest :) I have been fortunate to travel to some amazing locations! Peru and New Zealand are among the top favorites. The stonework in Peru is mind boggling. I have a giant list of locations, ever growing, in my mind that I plan to visit. I have an intense itch to travel so this business is perfect for me!

“The way I am achieving success within Plannet Marketing is by consistently doing the small things like posting ads, following up with prospects, and staying plugged in to the community and listening and putting into practice what my successful leaders are saying. We have to keep our funnels full for success too! Most importantly, I am keeping a positive outlook on the process and I visualize things happening. I know that what I think about, I will attract to me, so I am always thinking of myself AS A DIRECTOR ALREADY! To me, it makes a huge difference. 

“When talking with prospects, I take the time to learn about them as people with lives and challenges and successes. I take into account the lessons Dani Johnson teaches about FORM. I feel this is very helpful in letting prospects know that I really do care about them and I am not just trying to get them to enroll, which, in turn, makes them want to enroll even more! Some prospects I have talked with for three months or more before they are ready to join up! Patience is key! While this isn't the way to achieve success 'quickly,’ it is a way to achieve success consistently. Timing has to be right for a new business to fit into some of their lives.

“A fun fact about me is that I lived in an army tent in the forest in Oregon for a summer. It rained a lot and life was soggy, but I loved it!”



New 20/20 Club member Shahiem R. Grant is a native of Queens, NY, the son of Karen Morris and Mitchell Grant. He graduated in 1992 from Thomas A. Edison Tech/Voc High School in Queens. He is a military veteran, having served in the United States Army for five years. His active duty assignments consisted of Baumholder, Germany (1997 - 2000) and Ft. Stewart, GA (2000 - 2001), where he served as a 13B, Field Artilleryman. Since April of 2006, he has resided in Baton Rouge, LA,  going there to work for FEMA after Hurricane Katrina. In 2009, he embarked on a law enforcement career with the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Department, where he currently holds the rank of Sergeant. Shahiem is the proud father of four wonderful children (three boys and one girl ages 18 to three years!) and they keep him motivated and always on the go.  Some fun facts: “I am afraid of heights, I have 17 tattoos and counting, secretly I'm a nerd, an avid boxing enthusiast, and history and math were my strong points in school, I like classical music.”

Shahiem tells us, “My interests vary in life yet I stay true to the "gym life.” The gym has been a pivotal point in my life since my days in the military. With my current profession it's important to have a healthy lifestyle and some form of physical training to keep me prepared for any situation. I also enjoy cooking, am a huge movie buff, and since embarking on this journey with PlanNet Marketing, reading has played a major part in my daily activities.” 

He continues, “My earliest recollection of traveling was traveling from New York to visit family in Philadelphia. It was easy to jump on ‘Peter Pan’ or ‘Greyhound’ to escape for the weekend. My mother always wanted me to understand the value of being part of your neighborhood but never being part of your circumstances. I was also afforded the chance at a young age to fly every other summer to visit my Uncle Butch and cousins in Houston, TX. Upon entering the army, Germany was my first duty assignment and the culture shock was a great experience. From the food, to the language, to the scenery and driving on the AutoBahn, it opened my eyes to want to travel more. While in Germany I had the great opportunity to visit Spain. Being able to stand in front of the Great Cathedral, visit the Coliseum and walk the path to where they recently had the ‘running of the bulls’ was truly a great experience. 

“My success comes from many failures and plenty of ‘No's.’ I was the new guy coming in trying to reinvent the wheel, knowing this is my first time as a network marketer. I began to reach out to my upline who were always there with encouraging words and advice. I began to get plugged in to the weekly calls, the morning calls, and understanding that in network marketing it's truly a numbers game. I became comfortable with being uncomfortable. I'm really a shy person who stays to himself (only child syndrome lol), yet in order to succeed I had to speak more and be more visible to folks who were looking for this opportunity. Remaining coachable and teachable by Mrs. Tanisha Burke, Mr. Gregory Scott and Mr. Orlanda Moore and allowing my pride to be put to the side in order to be successful is the reason for it all.

“Success on this journey is not about being the swiftest; it's not about the number of friends you have on social media or in life. It's about ‘can you be influential.’ Can you build a rapport with someone and in return have that person trust you enough to guide them on their own journey to success? Each day learn something new, remain coachable, read or listen to something inspirational that will allow you to inspire others.” 



Welcome to the 20/20 Club Gloria Williams, who tells us that she was born in Philadelphia, PA and lived in Willingboro, NJ from adolescence to adulthood. She considers both of them her hometowns.and currently resides in Lithonia, GA. Gloria is a Media Ministry Director at Zion Hill Baptist Church in Atlanta and a freelance Corporate Media Specialist. Her interests include travel, technology, photography, serving others through outreach, snorkeling, scuba diving and competitive bowling. “Fun fact: I am one open water dive away from my scuba diving certification. As I travel around the world, I hope to scuba dive in different countries and photograph/video the underwater life.”

Gloria relates, “The start of my travel experiences began with my enlistment into the U.S. Army (and later the Army Reserves and GA Army National Guard) for a total of 10 years of service. I lived in Alaska for two years, San Antonio for one year, and have visited 25 states, plus Canada, Bahamas and Mexico. I always wanted to continue traveling after I completed my military service but it simply did not fit into my budget. As a single parent, spending money on my own travel was just not a financial priority. However, now as an empty nester and a baby boomer I have moved travel closer to the top of my “make it happen list.” PlanNet Marketing is helping me make all my travel wishes come true! I get to earn money, pay reduced prices for my travel, get perks and benefits as a travel merchant, and educate myself on the travel industry. In the last three months, I’ve been to Las Vegas, Ft. Lauderdale (on an awesome yacht) and Nashville. Next week, I will be arriving in Jamaica as a Jamaica and Montego Bay Certified Specialist with site inspections already scheduled. While I am there, I will also take advantage of the opportunity to do community service at a Montego Bay school for troubled girls ages 7-18.

“Last September 2016, I discovered PlanNet Marketing. Some would say by accident, but I believe it was by divine design. I was working at the Marriott Marquis hotel as a freelance camera operator. A co-worker told me that one of our colleagues had opened a production company, so I went to find him so I could get on his freelance list. I walked into a ballroom full of PlanNet Marketing business partners and Four-Star Director Eileen Ross was on the stage. Her presentation caught my attention so I listened for about 10 minutes. I heard just enough to revive my dream to travel the world. I came back after Eileen’s presentation was over and introduced myself to her. She listened, shared some information with me, we connected, and she gave me her card. I told her that I was going to join when I returned back to Atlanta in a couple of weeks from a job. 

“I then went home and could not stop thinking about this business. So I Googled and YouTubed everything I could on PlanNet Marketing and Donald Bradley. I also looked Eileen Ross up on Facebook and saw that she was going to Philadelphia in a couple of days. I called her late that night and told her that I was going to sign up on her website because I have family in Philadelphia. Eileen texted me instructions to sign myself up as a PlanNet Marketing representative and I did! I have been following her instructions ever since and progressing as a result of her coaching. In October, I came to my first PlanNet Marketing weekly meeting and then got to see the whole presentation. I was blown away! I didn’t know fully what I had signed up for. I was so excited! So I started telling everyone I could about it because I wanted to help as many people as I could with this opportunity. I started getting some no’s and would have stopped if I hadn’t remained plugged in to learn how to deal with it.

“So I stay plugged in to the corporate and team calls and attend my local weekly meeting and big events. I love the advanced training that we receive at meetings and big events. Our Directors/presenters arrive with their "A" game and just pour into us! I leave these events so full! I never miss an event that I am qualified to attend because I have experienced the value in them first hand.

“I network with other business partners while I’m at meetings. I stay for the ‘meeting after the meeting’ to pick up some extra motivation. The camaraderie we have is like a family moving forward together in success. You couldn’t ask for a stronger support system! I even have a business Auntie, Kwanya Hall-Martin, who is the queen of 3-way calls! Staying plugged in and reading personal development books has not only inspired and educated me, but also has helped to build my posture for execution of the business presentations that advance my business.

“Any amount of success that I have achieved in this business is because I am following a great leader and I have remained coachable. My coach/mentor has enhanced and elevated my vision for my future and has been guiding, stretching, and inspiring me to reach my destination. I understand now what a ‘sense of urgency’ and ‘relentlessness’ look like because my coach, Eileen Ross, models them every day. I execute any play that my coach calls even when it feels uncomfortable. I understand that nothing ever grows in the comfort zone. And I have grown over these past months. Sometimes I still have to ‘bully myself’ when I don’t feel like it. But my ‘WHY’ motivates me to stay on my grind because I am fighting for my freedom!!!

“I would tell any new business partner that this is work but it’s also fun! Challenge yourself to personally develop with this opportunity. Listen to your success coach! She/he has been where you’re trying to go; they can help you get there faster. Don’t waste your time reinventing the wheel. PlanNet Marketing has already done the work for us. Follow the system that they have put in place – it works! 

“In my career field, I am a behind the scenes “techy” personality.  I came into this industry with no knowledge about what to do or how it works. I can’t wait to see the life that I am designing for myself with this business a year from now! If I can achieve success in this business, truly the average person can do this!”



Welcome to the 20/20 Club David and Tammy Stull! David says, “My wife and I work the business together; she is the marketing queen and I'm the travel king. We live in Sunbury, OH (small town north of Columbus). We love to travel. We have been to Fiji for our honeymoon, Paris, Punta Cana, many places in Mexico and Tammy's been to all 50 states. 

“Our biggest tip for achieving success is to be consistent. It doesn't matter if you can commit 10 hours or 50 hours a week, make it the best 10 or 50 hours of consistent work. Commit to it every week. Have a plan and stick to it. And we listened to our leaders!! They told us to invite clients to travel parties and webinar events and we did it.”  

A fun fact about the couple:  “My wife and I met while working for an airline 19 years ago. Travel is in our blood and this is a perfect match for us!”



New 20/20 Club Member Patricia Davy was born and raised in London, England and has seven siblings. When the family moved to Nottingham, Patricia served as a Police Officer in the Nottinghamshire Police Force. For the past 27 years she has worked with young offenders and currently manages a Youth Offending Team in Birmingham, England. Patricia has an adult son who has her entrepreneurial spirit, having recently become a business owner in the clothing industry. He has also seized the PlanNet Marketing opportunity and is Patricia's business partner!
Patricia has a love for travel and has travelled extensively to some great places and countries throughout the USA, Europe, and the Caribbean. Together with 50 other volunteers, she rode 250 miles across Cuba raising £3,000 for charity.
Patricia shares, “PlanNet Marketing has given me the opportunity to be able to help people start their journey to financial freedom. This is such a great opportunity because in helping others to achieve their goals, ultimately I achieve my own. Plugging into the system, attending events, having a good work ethic, and being consistent and coachable is the key to success. I have a great leadership team, who despite being based in the USA, has coached and supported me and continues to push me to achieve another level.”



Welcome to the 20/20 Club Natisha McCarver! Natisha grew up as a military kid (her father served in the U.S. Army for 28 years) and she has lived all over the world. When her father retired, the family moved to Monroe, NC to be near other family members. She has lived in Charlotte, NC for over 20 years, and has been happily married to One-Star Director Anthony McCarver for five years!

Natisha tells us, “I enjoy meeting people, building my business, being able to see the world with my husband, attending comedy shows, and watching gymnastics and professional boxing matches. I love all genres of music. I enjoy dancing, singing, and laughing with family and friends. I was blessed to see different parts of Europe and the United States growing up, that I still reflect back on often. As an adult I have been fortunate to vacation to Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Bahamas, Mexico, Florida, the Grand Canyon, and Las Vegas. I have added many other places to my bucket list, now that I'm a Travel Business owner!

“I love being able to share something of value and benefit to others all over the world to increase their experiences, their memories, and to find their needed freedoms. I am achieving success by learning from the amazing leadership we have within PlanNet Marketing, and using the 3 step system (PS3): Pique, Show Plan, and 3 Way Call. I can't stress how important plugging in is, and attending any and all events you qualify to attend. It is PRICELESS!!



Welcome to the 20/20 Club Carol Brown! Carol is from the UK and lives in Brownhills, which is approximately 2 iles north of Birmingham, England city center.  Her interests are travelling, spending time with family and friends, entertaining with open houses, and hosting dinner parties and barbecues when she has time!. She is currently a School Governor, which is her way of giving something back to the community. 

Carol says, “I love travelling - I have been to all of the continents of the world besides one, Antarctica, which I intend to achieve through this business venture.” Her husband Vassel also lov to travel around the world, and their seven-year-old daughter Alisha also loves to travel!

When asked about her success in PlanNet Marketing, Carol relates, “My success is born out of recruiting like-minded people. A few members of the team got together and utilized skills gained during our corporate lives and applied those skills to our travel business. We have developed our local aims, objective, vision and mission, and implemented a local induction plan for all team members, which has assisted in developing a strong team spirit. Our team-based approach is underpinned by the concept of continuous learning, and that together we achieve more while actively supporting each other.


New One-Star Director and 20/20 Club member Jackie Bailey was born in Galveston, TX; was a 19-year resident of Austin; and currently resides in "The Magnolia City" of Houston. She is an only child and mother of three beautiful adult children and the grandmother of 14 intelligent grandkids!

Jackie tells us, “In 19 months, I have achieved my One-Star Director ranking in the Houston market. I have achieved success with PlanNet Marketing by simply utilizing grassroot marketing techniques and continuing the activity over and over again. I believe in giving 200% and always striving to give my clients an experience of a lifetime. One of my passions in life is to help people. I use Bailey's World Travel Agency to assist clients in finding the comfort that may be displaced by life's day-to-day routines. 

“As for my travel experiences, I was invited by the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism to attend a Familiarization trip sponsored by American Airlines to Nassaua/Paradise Island (all-inclusive) for less than $300. I experienced swimming with the dolphins, 5-star dining every evening, visited seven outer islands, and 17 secluded hotels/resorts. And OMG I was a VIP at the Junkanoo Festival and it was to die for!

“My interest in this company is the pledge - to leave a legacy for my family. 

“My little "Fun Fact" is I am the all-time Jacks (metal with ball) champion and I'm still holding the title in 2017!”



Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Jimease Bailey! Jimease was born, raised, and resides in in Jersey City, NJ. She tells us that she is a “city church gal who enjoys singing, listening to gospel music, reading a good book, baking, and spending time with my family. Besides going to Jamaica, my travel experiences were limited to vacations on the East Coast. However, since becoming a part of PlanNet Marketing, I have branched out and have visited many other time zones!”
Jimease shares how she has achieved success: “The success I have accomplished so far with PlanNet Marketing is credited to "copying the right cat.” Once I was told that in order to obtain success in this business I had to follow the plan that was already in place, I did just that. I did not recreate the wheel.  I just followed what my mentors, coaches, and Directors Kenny and Natalie Graham did and they told me what I needed to do. Even though they live in Atlanta, I stay connected with them via phone calls, Facebook, text messages and video conferences. Here in New Jersey, I plug into my meetings where I connect with Director Eric Hawkins and he guides and coaches me as well. Wherever I went and talked to various PlanNet leaders, I kept getting the same advice - to stay plugged-in, be consistent, and always increase and do more of what is working. So I attend the meetings, listen to the conference calls, attend special events, and share this amazing opportunity with more and more people daily.

 “I never imagined my life shifting as it has done in the past year. I have a Master's Degree in Psychology, have been counseling for nearly 15 years, and thought that was it for my life. Now look at me! With no experience in network marketing, I have accomplished various levels in the business and I'm just getting started! All glory goes to God! You see, you can have your own game plan, but God's plan can intercept to redirect your life. I keep God as my guide, my source and my everything. I trust Him with this change of direction in life and it has been a blessing thus far.
“Since being a part of PlanNet Marketing, I've met so many awesome people who have become family, traveled more, and now have a promising future and an inheritance to leave to my children's children. I'm thankful to my husband - my "Bae" - Jay Bailey; my children - Rosiland, Tiffany, Jehmese, and Jehkai;  and my mom, Rosiland for supporting me in this life shift. I'm grateful to Mr. Donald Bradley for pushing fear aside and following through with the PlanNet vision. Lastly, I'm honored to have a great team who have entrusted me to help them win for their families as well.”