PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Ola Abbas to the 20/20 Club! Ola is from Iraq and currently lives in Manchester, UK. She tells us, “I was born during a war, lived through a war, and immigrated from my country during another war. While in the UK, I completed my qualification and I currently work as a critical care and acute medicine consultant in the National Health Service. It’s in my blood to always find a way to make things work out for the best.

“My interests are of course travel, food, and fashion. I have visited 18 countries in 12 months in 2019, and overall I have been to over 80 cities in 30 different countries across three continents. My plan is to visit all 195 countries! My craziest travel intention is to travel the longest walking route in the world which spans from South Africa to Northern Russia; I hope I can make that a reality. I truly believe I wasn’t born to live in one place.

“I’m achieving success because I am consistent with my daily business-building activities and I am consistently developing my skill. I started my business with no business skills, near to no network in a foreign country where I had no family, very few friends, and also during a pandemic! But I understood that taking daily action and developing myself regardless of who’s around me, who supports me, and what’s happening in the world will get me the results I aspire to.  

“The number one tip I can share with others to achieve any success they desire in life is to be hungry, willing, and coachable. It doesn’t matter where you are from, who you are, what experiences you’ve had in the past, or what people think you can and can’t do. If you are hungry, willing, and coachable then you can achieve any level of success you desire. Another tip is to stay close to the fire! Always stay close to your upline, close to your organization, to people who inspire you and support you to take action and grow.

“A fun fact about me is I competed in the UK Galaxy beauty pageant. I loved being able to represent women of my age and background and show that you can be a strong independent female working on her goals and dreams, yet also be a beautiful female in a pretty dress.”