
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Yvonne Johnson to the 20/20 Club! Yvonne became a PlanNet Marketing Rep in April 2019. She says, “My amazing husband Damon (Chuck) agreed that this business opportunity can change our family’s lives and he became a Representative as well – and so our journey began.

“With the coaching and mentorship of my One-Star Directors Dianne Polite-Gore and James Gore, I am now 20/20 and a Director in Training. It’s a simple process to follow but it’s hard work. I had to and am still self-developing, staying plugged in, and staying coachable. I thank God for our Founder and CEO, Mr.and Mrs. Donald Bradley, for being obedient to their calling, and to his leadership team…they are touching lives they will never meet.

“I will be forever grateful for being a part of the best place on the PLANNET. I look forward to climbing the PlanNet Marketing star ladder! I am part Dream Team and Legacy and together we will win. CAN’T STOP, WON’T STOP. ONE PUSH, WE ALL PUSH!”