
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Karen Love to the 20/20 Club! Karen is originally from Scotland but now lives in Cambridgeshire, England. She shares that she is married with a 15-year-old boy who loves to play football, so she is at the side of the pitch most nights. She loves to do pilates and yoga and spend time with family and friends.

“I have been travelling since I was 11 when I first toured the USA representing Scotland with the swimming team. I returned there when I was 19 and got a job as a chef for the summer in Pennsylvania before buying an old Chevy and again toured around from there to Canada, then down to Florida before making my way back up the east coast to New York and a flight home. All in a car that cost me $50 and had no working windscreen wipers; we had to use coathangers!

“I have also been lucky enough to spend a summer working in a hotel in Switzerland and had the pleasure of being able to spend weekends off on the Amalfi coast as well days off in Lugano and Milan. My bug for touring was satisfied yet again the following year when I bought an Interrail ticket  to travel around Europe by train, and set off with no destination or plan. It was very easy to do this cheaply by going to a station and looking to see what location would take approximately eight hours overnight to get to and then sleeping on the train. Doing it this way we were able to visit many more places like Bonn, Amsterdam, Venice, Pisa, Milan, Nice, Paris and many more. As well as my touring trips, I have also had the fortune to be able to enjoy lots of family holidays to countries including Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt, Greece, Corfu, Rhodes, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Majorca, Tenerife, Lanzarote, and Ireland, among others.

“As for my top tips to achieve success in this business, I would say they are to be coachable, take a look at who is succeeding and do what they do, never give up even on tough days, be prepared to work bloody hard and give up time in front of the TV, always follow up with prospects, and be yourself. Don't care what other people think of you and have confidence in the fact that you will achieve your goals, don't compare yourself to others, but be driven by your own why; and above all, be consistent.”

“A fun fact about me: I once hula-hooped in front of the Queen!”