
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Lauren Barnes to the 20/20 Club! Lauren is from North Wales, UK and is 27 years old. She shares, “I had been in the business just over three months when I made the 20/20 Club. I joined after an amazing lady told me all about the business, and because I am so passionate about the travel industry, for me it was a no-brainer! 

“My favourite place to travel to is the Caribbean, Jamaica being my favourite, perhaps because I got engaged there – or the jerk chicken & chilled vibes! I also love a European city break, Rome being my favourite.

“I am building a successful business because of my passion for the product and also for following all of the amazing training that is given to me. My top tips are to be open-minded; CONSISTENCY IS KEY; keep on going and even if it gets tough, push through; and let people see the real you by showing your lifestyle via your platform.

“Fun fact – I have not gone live on my social media yet. I have been putting this off since I started; however, that is my next step!

“I have always been quite a shy person; however, this business is not only helping me financially, but it’s also helping to develop my confidence! I’m so, so excited to see where this business can take me. I’m dedicated, motivated and will do anything I can to make my dreams my reality.”