
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Mia and Ced Gutter to the 20/20 Club! The couple is originally from Dallas-Fort Worth, however after college at Prairie View A&M University, they both decided to migrate to Houston, TX. They live right outside the city limits in Katy, TX.

Mia and Ced share, “We are both students of the arts and enjoy anything that’s music related. Our favorite pastime consists of going to the movies as well as spitting famous movie quotes at random throughout the day and laughing hysterically as if we’ve never heard it…all day!  We play very active roles in our church and as of recently, we have been able to enjoy working out together and helping impact other’s lives through this business.

“We have only scratched the tip of the iceberg and are excited about our upcoming travel plans. So far, we’ve focused our attention on covering as many states as possible, including but not limited to Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Montana, Nevada, New York, and Virginia, just to name a few.

“The biggest way that we have been able to achieve success in PlanNet Marketing is by not keeping our mouths closed about our business. There are several hundreds of thousands of people who not only desire an opportunity like ours but who truly NEED what we have to offer. We are as genuine and as transparent as we can be with people. We lay everything out on the table to gain peoples’ trust from the beginning. No smoke. No mirrors. No surprises. Just honesty.

“Lastly, a fun fact about us! We like to freestyle in the car on our road trips and often come up with most of our dance routines then.”