
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Arnita Davis to the 20/20 Club! Arnita was born in Chattanooga, TN and raised in Madison, Wisconsin. She currently lives in Stockbridge, GA, just south of Atlanta. Arnita shares, “Outside of building successful marketing and travel companies, I like to spend time with my daughters (27 and 21 years old) and try to keep up with an extremely smart four-year-old little man who is my favorite grandson (he’s my only grandchild so I can say he’s my favorite)!  Ministry is also a big part of my life and I am very active in the women’s ministry at my home church. as well as part of a team that plans a women’s conference for Overflow Ministries International.

“I love all things travel (except packing a suitcase but that’s another story for another day). I’ve travelled to the Bahamas, Jamaica, Cayman Islands (my favorite so far), Mexico, and I’ve been to 22 of the 50 states. Dubai, Australia, Alaska, and Hawaii are a few places on my bucket list. I really like what Susan Sontag said, ‘I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list!’  I’m sure there are places that I haven’t even heard of yet that I would like to visit and one day, I plan to go there too!

“My success at PlanNet Marketing stems from staying consistent, coachable and humble. Attending weekly company meetings, events, and team meetings consistently has allowed me to pick up tidbits that I use to help my business grow. Taking notes, studying, and applying what I’ve learned go a long way. Also, I have the best bunch of coaches around who constantly push and challenge me to do better and go further. And lastly, learning from my team has also helped me. Trust and believe that if you listen close enough you can learn a lot from just about anyone.

“A fun fact: being near the water is my favorite place to be and one day I will be running my businesses from some oceanview location!”