
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Siobhan Boyd to the 20/20 Club! Siobhan tells us that she has traveled a lot across the United States and has only been out of the country once, on an eastern Caribbean Cruise. She plans on getting more passport stamps very soon, starting with her bucket list of places to visit. Her interests are reading, cooking, singing, and of course – traveling!

She shares her tips for success: “Consistency plays a major role in growing and working the business. There is power in the follow up! Also be a person of your word. Then lastly, but certainly not least, you have to stay plugged into the source. That’s a must.

Siobhan continues, “I have been married to Dallas Boyd for 17 years. I am a mother of four and a grandmother of 12. I have two sets of twin grandchildren – twin girls who are identical and a set of fraternal twins – a boy and a girl. I am a lover of music, and I am a gifted Psalmist as well an avid poet.