PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Ivey Poinsette to the 20/20 Club! She was born and raised in the Bronx, NY and currently resides in Hinesville, Georgia. Her interests include spending time with her family and helping others. By day, she is a professional School Counselor, helping young people realize there is a much bigger world out there! She loves changing the trajectory of their lives by expanding their options.
Ivey tells us, “My now husband (then boyfriend) and I took a trip to Riviera Maya, Cancun almost two years ago. It was on that trip that he proposed and also when I made the decision to get started with PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel! Since then, my life has been forever changed! I’ve been able to travel home more than I thought I would after relocating, I took our baby on his first plane ride, and I’ve been able to generate additional income without having to go out and get a second and third job like I used to do!
“As for my tips for success? Simple!! Plugging in, following the system and staying close to my leadership!! A lot of what we hear might sound cliché, but it isn’t! It’s a FACT! I went from 0-9 in a month’s time because I plugged in, I stretched myself, and attended weekly meetings four hours away from where I live! I remained coachable - even when things didn’t make sense in my mind - I did what I was told and without fail - it happened! My business began to grow and the income became REAL! I’m truly grateful that I am being led by the top minds in this industry – having ZERO experience in network marketing – I am now a professional with the greatest company this industry has ever seen! Stay tuned though, I am just getting started!
“A fun fact - I love working out but I hate sweating! Go figure!! Lol!”