Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Lorie Banatte! Lorie was born in Newark, NJ and raised all over New Jersey, having lived in Newark, East Orange, Hillside, Orange, Rahway, and Irvington, where she currently resides. When her dad was in the military, she lived in North Carolina at age two and in Inglewood, CA for about three years while he was on duty with the Marines. She says, “This is probably why I am a Cali girl at heart, but my husband is leaning towards New York where he was born and raised. My family is also of Haitian descent.”

“I enjoy living life to the fullest. I thrive on experiencing the new. I am what one may consider a thrill seeker and an adventurer. I have gone skydiving, paintballing, flying in a hot air balloon, skiing, hiking, and many more activities. I also enjoy writing poetry and inspiring others. My love language is quality time, and the time freedom I get is essential so that I can spend time with my husband, Jeff, my 12-year-old daughter, Rihelia, and my two-year old son, Taiji. They are my ‘Whys’ that make me cry - which is strong enough to propel me to fly.”

“The only country that I was able to travel to was Haiti and both times was to visit family. One of those times I attended a funeral. This is why I am so thankful that I get to travel inexpensively and this travel business affords me the opportunity to travel more and experience more. I have visited and had much fun in the following states: Georgia, California, Pennsylvania (Poconos), New York, Wisconsin, Maryland, Washington D.C., Connecticut, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Florida. I plan to conquer all 50 states and I am excited to finally have trips planned for 2017 where I will be vacationing outside of the United States. Costa Rica, Fiji and Bora Bora are my ultimate dream vacations.” 

When asked about her achievements and success, Lorie says, “All glory goes to God. Everything begins and ends with Him. Faith as small as a mustard seed does move mountains. The number one thing also is to be coachable. I extend my deepest gratitude to my mentors, Three-Star Directors Kenny and Natalie Graham, who dedicate their time to pour into us, instilling their wisdom nuggets and stretching those who want to be stretched. And their love and passion is beyond measure. Also, staying plugged in is absolutely vital no matter how one may feel. Four-Star Director Orlanda Moore’s motto is we do not make excuses, nor do we accept them. He started the business in the deserts of Afghanistan and stayed determined, continuing to work with us on a personal level. That is admirable! It was that Super Saturday in NY on December 10, 2016 when my husband’s eyes opened and he understood the value of our travel business. I am so thankful for all the top leaders who take their time and have been consistent in ensuring our growth. The Morning Inspirational Vitamin call keeps us going like the Energizer bunny. The weekly meetings are a true testament of one team, as One-Star Director Eric Hawkins trains us on self-development. Visionary and founder Mr. Donald Bradley exemplifies such a sincere, genuine, and humble spirit as he leads by example and teaches us wealth strategies to secure our bloodline.Their passion is contagious and transcends barriers. This is the first time in my life that I experienced a business where I am part of a family. I have seen the evidence of success because our leaders have servant hearts!

The key thing in being an entrepreneur is mastering pushing through the pain. You have to trust the process and know with your heart of hearts that God is up to something as you continue to put feet to your faith. You cannot go by what you go by what you know. Gold is refined by fire. A diamond has undergone pressure. The process doesn't feel good and you may see that you are being attacked spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically, BUT you must keep your eye on the prize. There is evidence of success all around us from leaders who endured. When life happens and knocks you down, you have to come back swinging. The question is how bad do you want it? Above all, never lose faith and hope. Every blood, sweat, and tear is worth freeing your financial bloodline.

When I talk to potential business partners I emphasize this statement: “You are not to be overwhelmed. You work your business at your own pace. The only time you will use the word overwhelmed is when you experience the support system! That support is unmatched!  At the Dream Makers certification event that took place in Baltimore, MD, President of InteleTravel, James Ferrara, mentioned that the travel agents who were top sellers just simply utilized the resources that were readily available and implemented. He emphasized that they are here for us; there was the customer service, live chat, and email. The same concept applies. Three-Star Director Kenny Graham has done so many 3-ways for me that I now sound like him, with a touch of Three-Star Director Natalie Graham, with the way she personalizes it. My team is so awesome! I love fellow-shipping with my sisters and brothers in business. We feed off of one another and each person contributes that special quality that makes them unique. One is not successful without ensuring the success of others. Most important of all, it is better to give than to receive. The universe gives to the givers and takes from the takers. As you are elevating, ask yourself who is growing with you. Time is the most valuable asset; give your time, energy and passion to helping others.

I am an advocate of the human race. I love love peace and unity. Love surpasses everything. It breaks barriers, smooths the edges, fills the void, and softens heart of stone. I am also a rebel; I always like to go against the grain and not conform to societal norms. When anyone says I can’t, that pushes me harder. Despite any circumstance I know that all dreams are attainable. There are so many relatable testimonies from all of us collectively, how can we not answer when our dreams are calling us?