One-Star Director


PlanNet Marketing is proud to congratulate Rachel Russell on achieving One-Star Director! Rachel was born in southern Illinois, and has lived in Columbia, MO for the past year and a half. She has been married to her husband Nick for 11 years and takes great pride in being a devoted full time, home-based mom to six children! 

Although Rachel had been involved in the network marketing industry for six years, it wasn’t until a few years ago that the travel industry opportunity presented itself to her, and she quickly remembered always having a passion for travel. However, growing up in a large family with limited resources, she never imagined that she would one day turn her passion into a reality.

Rachel relates that she understands the importance of serving others. She worked as a waitress for many years and took great pride in providing exceptional customer service to her clients. She also gave countless hours to her job while leaving very little time for her family. She says, “I was also reminded of all those years of struggling to sell a product that provided a limited audience and I dreamed of having a product that the whole world was already using that could never be saturated.”

In 2013 Rachel was at the lowest point in her life. Not only was her family struggling financially, but she had just tragically lost her father, who believed in her wholeheartedly. "I then realized life is uncontrollable and time is non-negotiable." Rachel remembers the last day she spent with her dad as he promised her that with technology, something would come along that would allow her to raise her babies from the comfort of anywhere in the world…and that she would still be able to make an impact serving others while making a residual income for her family and other families as well. "He assured me to keep the faith and that it would come in time. I'm so thankful I didn't block this blessing!!" 

Rachel continues, “I'm a no-excuse kinda gal and I understand that my NETWORK is my NET WORTH. The team and I love networking and connecting with those who are hungry for success, time, personal and financial freedom. We are addicted to seeing and helping others become successful and financially free in an industry that the whole world is already using and there's nothing that will get in our way."  Rachel loves hitting the road to build her business; she follows the system by plugging into calls, collecting those golden nuggets from all of her mentors, attending Conventions, game planning with her team and getting to meetings everywhere she can, while encouraging her team to do the same. She says, “Although my children do not like being put in timeout, I enjoy putting myself in "timeout" while eating chocolate and reading.” 

"I would like to thank Mr. Donald Bradley for his vision, my personal sponsor One-Star Director Amy Uribe, One-Star Director Aquarius Jackson, Three-Star Directors Keith and Adairia Vinson and my ENTIRE TEAM for this amazing accomplishment of One-Star Director. When it's all said and done, any network marketing company can have a good compensation plan, but what matters is the product that the company has and we have the BEST product on the PlanNet!" 

“Our team cannot keep this secret from the world and we are on a mission! Everything I do is for my family’s future and the future of so many families across the PlanNet. I have market share in 28 states! My mentors have watered me, I am watering the team and we will grow together! We are more than a team, we are family!"


Congratulations to new One-Star Director Cliff Coward! Cliff and his wife, Vicki, live in Richmond, VA and have been married for over 30 years. They have three wonderful children and six grandchildren with one on the way! Cliff is a former Army Drill Sergeant of 10 years and has been a traditional business owner for over 25 years, owning a construction company, a real estate investment company, a daycare, and a barber and beauty salon! In addition, he and his wife have been full time pastors for over 25 years. He loves touring the country on his motorcycle, spending quality time with family and friends, and teaching the Gospel.

Cliff tells us, “My interest is helping as many people as possible by preaching the Gospel and changing lives economically. My success in PlanNet Marketing has largely come from having over 20 years experience in the industry; however, my tip for everyone would be for them to ‘Think much bigger, much sooner and to move with a much faster sense of urgency! Remove the salesman mentality and develop the mentality to help as many people as possible by just sharing the opportunity with excitement and joy, knowing that you are truly helping them.”  

Cliff's teammates offer well-deserved congratulations! Watch now!


Congratulations to the PlanNet’s new One-Star Director, Tanisha Burke from New York, now living in Rockledge, FL. “My mom and dad both believed in the value of traveling and seeing the world; therefore, I went on many domestic trips growing up. As an adult I’ve continued to expand my travels to international destinations and with this business opportunity, my bucket list has gotten quite long. I love traveling, cooking, shoe shopping, and crime shows.

“I am achieving success at PlanNet marketing primarily by using attraction marketing. I have a family with a young child, so I am unable to crisscross the planet and attend local meetings as frequently as I’d like to.  But through attraction marketing, I am able to connect and build business relationships with people all over the world. As a result, I have market shares in over 20 different states and have started working internationally as well. There are 1.79 billion active users on just Facebook alone; everyone should have some type of social media presence to be able to connect with people outside their network. After all, your network is your net worth!

“Fun fact: My first job was a dog groomer at age 13. Although I loved dogs, I really didn’t like the job as I was the lowest employee on the totem pole. I did however look up to the owner of the dog groomer shop. I was always fascinated by people who were business owners and I knew that one day I would become one too.”

Congratulations Tanisha!



New One-Star PlanNet Directors Remus and Alisha Blair are originally from Birmingham, AL but currently reside in San Antonio, TX. They tell us, “Some of our most enjoyable pastimes are watching our four children grow into young adults and tuning in to watch the Alabama Crimson Tide dominate each Saturday in the fall. If you can’t tell, we are die-hard Alabama fans - Roll Tide! 

“We are servants within our community, founding and spearheading a youth sports nonprofit for eight years. Our success here in PlanNet Marketing is due to our coachability, humility, and attitude. We are proud to be partnered with such a wonderful group of people.”

Congratulations Remus and Alisha Blair!


Charles was featured just one month ago in the January 10th PlanNetNOW! Blog as a new 20/20 member and is now a One-Star Director!  When asked how he has achieved success in PlanNet Marketing, Charles states, “Wow, there are so many facets to this question! I guess it comes down to how you measure success. I would offer that most important is to be willing to ‘trade ego for equity.’ To do that you must be coachable. I am fortunate to have Ms. Eileen Ross as my sponsor and mentor. Her leadership and tough love have been both humbling and rewarding. I must also give credit to a great team of sideline partners and the support of my team. Without the trust and support of my team none of this would be possible.”

“I had to learn to discard my corporate mindset and embrace the system/processes in place, which was hard to do. I guess 33 years in the public sector made for great thinking like an employee, but not so great in thinking like a business owner. Once you understand the differences and embrace the process, your growth/success will accelerate!”


We are proud to introduce the PlanNet’s newest One-Star Directors, Carmine and Lisa Robinson. Carmine tells us he was born and raised as “just a kid from Akron, OH.” He says that over this five-year journey, his wife Lisa is his backbone. 

He tells us that his interests include his family, his businesses, his faith and actively working with his church, empowering people with second chances, and empowering people with an extra stream of income.

“I have experienced travel as a veteran, but now my travel is leisure and business at the same time. Through this experience I have gained the knowledge to basically travel for free and make money doing it. Now as a leader by position I am achieving success by following the format my team has set. The best tip I can give is not to try to recreate the wheel; this format actually works as long as you work it. This is how I gained success so quickly and knowing my last "no" brings about my next "yes.”


Meet PlanNet Marketing’s newest One-Star Director - Bea Picou! Bea tells us that she grew up in a small town in the mountains of North Carolina, but has called Birmingham, AL her home since college graduation. She spent the first half of her professional career in healthcare marketing and administration.  At age 36 she started her own billing and collections business for physicians, servicing clients all over the US.  When she turned 50, she sold her business and quickly sold herself out of a job. She states, “Thanks to the network marketing industry I found a new career and have been a student of the industry now for four years. I also teach online marketing for network marketing professionals.”
Bea continues, “I am a weekend warrior, even at age 55, but mainly on a sailboat. I race sailboats for fun and have won a few Regattas at local clubs in both large 30+ foot yachts and small dinghy class boats. But my passion for 2017 is launching my online ministry, I think 95% of people’s success in anything, and especially network marketing, is tied to their mindset. And the tools and resources needed to teach, train and change mindsets are laid out in the greatest business book ever written - the Bible. This ministry is about changing people from the inside out, creating a path to success and victory in all areas of life. It’s about overcoming fear and doubt - the greatest killers to any career, and especially network marketing that is filled with ups and downs.

I have traveled many places in my years, but of course one of my all time favorites is Disney, especially Star Wars Land (I am a Star Wars fanatic). In 2016 I did the Star Wars Half Marathon with my family. One of my most memorable trips was when a group of us from my sail club chartered a sailboat for a week in the BVIs. And since I love sailing, I just had to go to San Francisco to watch the America’s Cup live. I’ve been all over the country, Canada and Mexico.  Switzerland is my next target. I have a ton of hobbies…too many really. I think it’s good to take time out from business and rest and clear your mind - as Stephen Covey says, “sharpen your saw.” I raise bonsai trees handed down to me from my mother. I have some that are now close to 70 years old. I also play the Great Highland bagpipes!

To achieve success at PlanNet Marketing I think five things are key: 

  1. Great leadership from your upline 
  2. Always teaching and training your team
  3. Never stop recruiting, no matter what your rank
  4. Keep learning new skills and improving your current skills (this is a profession)
  5. Duplication (#s 6 through 1,000 are also duplication!) 


The PlanNet’s newest One-Star Director, Amy Uribe, is from Galveston, TX and while living there only for the past five years, she calls the island home. She shares, “I am a mom to three amazing kids - Dakota, 19, Breanna, 18, and Alison, 15. I am very proud to say that my son is a third generation military member and soon-to-be dad. My daughter, Breanna, is currently in her senior year of high school, is a member of the 4 & Free Club, and is a Bronze Builder. Alison is a sophomore and on the varsity swim team.

She continues, “Having been a member of the Air Force, young mom, and single mom, challenges were always faced and never to be backed down from. As a child, my father was a serviceman in the Air Force and we travelled extensively throughout the US and Europe. Meeting new people and making friends has allowed me to help others feel at ease when talking and takes the fear out of newness.  When I joined PlanNet Marketing, I was diagnosed with colon cancer and this opportunity allowed me to work from home and build a steady income to help support us through the "worst" of times. I am thankful to say I have hit the 90 day mark of remission and LIVE each day 100%. 

I have built my organization 98% from social media. In a technological world, social media unlocks the doors. However it's not just posting and waiting. There's a science. And learning that science has allowed me and my team to grow quickly and effectively. We remember the cardinal rule to social media. BE SOCIAL. Build relationships and nurture them! 

If there is one thing I can tell others who have just joined or are working at building their business, it is to have the vision. Make the vision of your next promotion so intense you can literally feel it and live it. I believe that when we can see our dreams so clearly that we feel, hear, and live them, then they have already happened. 

And finally, STAY PLUGGED IN! Our company's leaders are literally the best on the PlanNet! Listen to what they say and make it a part of your life and business! Get to meetings, call in, and go to Convention! What I learned in Atlanta changed my entire business! The knowledge, fellowship, and support was so amazing nothing can compare to it!

I am so thankful to PlanNet Marketing, the leaders, the support staff, and my amazing team! Without them jumping in and being the movers and shakers they are, this wouldn't have been possible! I am so excited and blessed to be a Director with PlanNet Marketing!


New One-Star Director Calvin Ellerbe and Josie Ellerbe have been married for 11 years. They reside in Columbia, SC. 

Calvin and Josie enjoy traveling, reading, and working out. Calvin states, “Our foundation is our faith, family, fitness, finances, and fellowship. We are very active in our local church. We've traveled  to Aruba, San Juan, Puerto Rico, the Eastern and Western Caribbean, Orlando and Miami, FL, Las Vegas, NV and Los Angeles, CA.

I am a Dallas Cowboys, Cleveland Cavaliers, and NY Yankees fan! Watch out now! I believe that all things are possible to those who  just believe. Teamwork really does make the dream work! Our business/sales proverb is: Constant exposure leads to constant closure! Those who expose the most, close the most!”


New One-Star Directors Clayton and Kisha McGhie share that “we are a victorious, adventurous duo made in Heaven. Clayton, born in the Caribbean, and Kisha, born in the United States, met in the spring of 1993 and were married in 2000. They are parents to son Roan and have countless Godchildren. Shortly after getting married the couple acknowledged the call of God and attended Bible Seminary in 2002.

In 2007 they established Honor and Glory International Ministries and are passionately devoted to Outreach and Global missions throughout the Caribbean and Central America. Their intent is to fervently share the message of "wholeness" in every area of one’s life including spiritual (salvation), physical (health and healing), and financial (debt cancellation and financial freedom). 

Clayton and Kisha presently reside in Grand Cayman Islands where the main locations of Honor and Glory International Ministries are located. They share that they have several hobbies in common, such as horseback riding, movies, and shooting pool from time to time. They are active travelers and like meeting new people, trying culturally authentic meals from different places, and they absolutely love ministering to people from every walk of life. The McGhies consider themselves privileged to travel throughout different countries such as Honduras, Bahamas, Belize, Jamaica, Mexico, and Cayman Islands to share God's "Freedom Plan" with His people. They never pass up an opportunity to pray for someone, encourage someone, and are diligent to serve in any capacity.

The McGhies recently learned about the wonderful opportunity of PlanNet Marketing while on a cruise ministering as special guest speakers in October, 2016. They quickly took action and consider PlanNet Marketing an answer to their prayers, saying it is a vehicle that can be used to assist people with achieving financial independence. They plan to expand people's knowledge of this great opportunity through every country they are sent to minister. “This amazing connection with PlanNet Marketing is helping us help people discover their full potential within the network marketing realm. As PlanNet Marketing Reps we don’t hesitate to share this opportunity with people we meet. We literally will share with anyone!  Everyone is looking for ways to save money on travel; yes even the well-to-do. We tell our Reps - don't discriminate or prejudge people. Everyone is an option and everyone deserves to hear about this opportunity.”


New One-Star Directors and 20/20 Club Members Kaseen and Judy Faye Penn are natives of the Cayman Islands, but have been residing in Prosper, Texas for the past four years, adding that they are “bountifully blessed with eight adorable, athletic, intelligent and loving children and one happy, extremely energetic granddaughter.”

Kaseen and Judy Faye are recognized counselors, life coaches, entrepreneurs and philanthropists. They are also authors of the successful book “The New You,” which sold over 3,000 copies. They have received many heartfelt reviews from individuals about the transforming effects of this inspirational and motivational book. The Penns strongly believe that every person is uniquely placed on planet Earth to fully discover, achieve and maximize their full potential in every aspect of their lives. 

Kaseen and Judy Faye state, “We attribute our success in PlanNet Marketing first to our Heavenly Father and to our relentless, unremitting work ethic, which is vigorously being transferred to our strong base in the Cayman Islands. From the time PlanNet Marketing so graciously gave the green light to conduct business in the Caribbean, we ignited our base in the Cayman Islands and were extremely fortunate to grow a team of 150 plus business partners in less than three weeks!” 

The couple are avid world travelers and are always willing to explore and visit new destinations. In May of this year they share that they were extremely fortunate to take a dream vacation, which included 11 exotic cities in Europe over a 21-day period, and in January they will be taking a 10-day travel agent FAM Trip to Israel and Petra.

Kaseen and Judy Faye strongly believe that you can make a consistent living with PlanNet Marketing, coupled with the ability to travel as an insider by staying in some of the best hotels and resorts for extremely attractive prices. They believe that this vehicle can be a game changer for many families around the world - financially, mentally and socially. Their motto for their PlanNet Marketing Family-Team is #WatchGod.