PlanNet Marketing welcomes Steven and Nicole Blount to the 20/20 Club! The Blounts currently reside in Orlando, FL. Steven tells us, “I moved to Florida from Maryland and Nicole was a native New Yorker. Our common core is our faith in God.  Our common interests involve traveling, so we knew PlanNet Marketing was a good fit for our lifestyle. We enjoy spending time with great people and helping others achieve their goals, dreams and desires.

“Through my lens, our travel experience is extensive. With ocean views extending from our balcony suites, delicious foods and exotic drinks satisfying our palates, exciting excursions keeping us entertained, we don't need a reason to get away; we just get away. We’ve already started checking off more places from our bucket list now that travel restrictions are being lifted.  

“My wife and I use social media as a platform to promote this travel opportunity. In order to achieve success, my experience has taught me to stay connected to the system. Attraction marketing is an essential tool to reach your target audience. It is important to maintain relationships with your leaders and business partners and never miss any meetings/opportunities you’re qualified to attend. The irony of it all is, who knew something we did for pleasure could yield us the lifestyle and income others dream about?”


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Ashley Jackson to the 20/20 Club! Ashley says, “I am from a very small town called Bethune, South Carolina. I currently reside in Locust Grove, Georgia. Before becoming a full time entrepreneur, I worked in retail for about 12 years. I don’t have any kids as of yet but I do have a lot of bonus babies whom I love like my very own. My interests are traveling, reading, having fun, laughing and family. I’ve always been a traveler by default. When I was a little girl, my grandparents made sure I traveled. I’ve traveled to many places including Jacksonville, Florida; Albany, New York; Cincinnati, Ohio; Louisville, Kentucky; and Las Vegas, Nevada, just to name a few. 

“Achieving success in my PlanNet Marketing business is so important to me, so I’ve created a strategy. I’m on a no nonsense and no excuses journey. I never miss a training, I read books that help me in my business, I separate my personal life from my business life, and I’m coachable and vocal in my business. I was a know-it-all at first. I really thought I knew what I was doing, but I was wrong!! This business has humbled me and changed me for the better. 

“If I could give any of you a tip, it would be to just trust the process, do the work and get out of your own way and COPY THE RIGHT CAT!  Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Giving up is NEVER an option. Had I given up, you wouldn’t be reading this today!! I would like to leave this with you: never give up! I am creating duplication in my organization and I am leading by example and I am leading from the front! ALWAYS bet on yourself and remember, if your why doesn’t make you cry, it’s not big enough. Keep striving!! You got this!!


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Sontissa Nolen to the 20/20 Club! She tells us,My name is Sontissa Hurt Nolen. I’m from a small town called Midway, Alabama and currently reside in Montgomery, Alabama. I earned a Masters Degree in computer information systems, business administration from Alabama State University. I have worked for the State of Alabama Department of Revenue for 18 years.

“My loving, supportive family consists of my husband and three handsome sons, who I adore and enjoy vacationing with all during the year. Travel is our passion and outlet, which pushed me to pursue this travel business. Collectively we have been to Jamaica, Mexico, Las Vegas, Dominican Republic, New York, California, Puerto Rico and of course everyone’s favorite place – Walt Disney World. A fun fact about me is that I’m a wine connoisseur and have my own vineyard. I enjoy making great fine wine.

“I am beyond thankful to reach this level of success and be a member of the 20/20 Club. However, I plan on continuing to reach higher levels by staying consistent with my business, being coachable, spreading knowledge to the newcomers and following the footsteps of my upline, Deacquelyn Christian.


anNet Marketing welcomes Kiera Stevenson to the 20/20 Club! Kiera says,Hey, PlanNet business partners! I am Kiera Stevenson, I am 31 years old and am a single mother of one human and two dogs, lol. I am from Sandusky, Ohio (home of Cedar Point, if you've ever been here!) We were the first city to have the world's largest indoor waterpark, Kalahari. I enjoy traveling with my daughter and spending time in different states; traveling is my therapy. My one favorite travel experience was getting on a hot air balloon in Arizona. The view was amazing!

“I have an amazing team! I couldn’t take all the credit even if I wanted to. My success story starts off with having belief. I believed in this business and prayed to come in touch with like-minded people. This business has truly blessed me, and I am forever thankful for PlanNet Marketing! 

“Fun fact: I love Disney World!”


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Felicia Taylor to the 20/20 Club! Felicia is from Holly Springs, NC. She tells us, “I love traveling, cooking, yard work and spending time with family. Since starting my business back in November of 2019, I have traveled near and far to so many different places. This opportunity has afforded me the chance to visit the Virgin Islands, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Tennessee, Texas, Miami, and many, many more. 

“I would say coming into this opportunity, you should stay close to your leaders. Your growth comes from the awesome leadership in this organization. Be consistent in your business DAILY. Also, plug in and be intentional with all that you do.


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Precious Wilson to the 20/20 Club! Precious is from Florence, South Carolina, and now lives in Richmond, Virginia. She says, “I am now able to travel more with my family and make more memories. My main interest is to build a legacy for my children.

“I am achieving success at PlanNet Marketing by staying consistent and dedicated. I always keep in mind my WHY for not giving up.

“I’ve officially become addicted to traveling!!!”