1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in West Monroe, LA. I moved to Houston, Texas back in 2017 to obtain a better life for me and my children. I have one son who is 15, and two daughters, who are 10 and 5. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in 2012 (Psychology) and my Master’s in 2014 (Gerontology with concentration in Program and Administration) at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. I have 10+ years of experience in the banking industry. I currently work at a bank here in Houston as a Commercial Real Estate Loan Closer Administrator. This business is actually my first business in the network marketing world and it has definitely been life-changing for me and my family. My hobbies are helping others organize their finances, showing others how to live an extraordinary lifestyle on a budget, spending time with my kids, and of course, traveling. ‌

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
PlanNet Marketing has played a huge part in my personal development. I am able to get coaching and mentoring without paying the high cost from people who truly want to see me win. I have started listening to and reading self-development books to help me improve as a leader so I am able to continue to lead a team and help create more leaders within my organization. PlanNet Marketing has also helped me pay off the majority of my debt; I currently only have student loans left to pay off. I have established an emergency fund and started my first investment account because of the residual income I receive from this business, along with the weekly pay and monthly bonuses. This business is truly a game changer and is nothing but an adult game of follow the right leader and utilizing the tools that have been put in place to help you be successful in this business. Sticking close, plugging in, staying consistent and being coachable is how I was able to achieve the legacy for my kids. This business has helped me develop the mindset (make it, save it, invest it, repeat). I now speak life into every situation that is thrown my way and I no longer allow minor setbacks to deter me from my goals.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My kids drive me and my bank account motivates me.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Director Lorie Banatte is definitely my role model or as I like to call her, my Shero. She has the most genuine, giving, and loving spirit that everyone needs in their life. She has a heart of gold and is definitely heaven sent from God. She is the evidence of time, personal, and financial freedom and always reminds me that no matter what you are going through, you have to keep pushing through the pain. If you sacrifice and put in the work, then you will eventually reap the benefits.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Thoughtful, loving, and dedicated.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
If you put in the work, the work will reward you. Work hard now so you can play hard later.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Within the next five years, I will be retired from my 9-5 and will be working this business on a full-time basis. I will purchase my first home, help start my son's vending machine business, and be in the process of purchasing land to build my dream home. I will be completely debt-free and in the process of helping my mom become debt-free and providing the down payment so she can purchase her first home. I will be a six-figure income earner in this company and also a six-figure income earner maker. My team will be well over 5,000 successful, driven individuals. I will be one of the top 200 income earners. I will be able to make financial contributions to local charities in my community back home and here in Houston. I will no longer have to check my bank account to see if I can afford to do the things I love. My kids will all have investment accounts and my savings goals will be reached of at least $100,000.