1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born in Dillon, South Carolina, and raised in Oxford, Alabama, where I currently reside. I am married and we have two boys. My oldest is our busy, athletic seven-year-old, and the baby boss is one. We have recently added a fur baby girl to the family. My hobbies are spending time with my family and learning to continue to live and not just exist. I work full-time in corporate America. I have an Associates Degree in Business Administrations, and although I have that degree, network marketing was, and still is new to me. I am currently a One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Member, approaching my next pin level.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Yes, not only have my finances grown, but my mindset has changed tremendously. Mind wealth is power. I was programmed to graduate top of the class, go to school, and get a great job, but through this business, I have learned there are more ways to be successful than just going to college and/or to the military. Through our aggressive compensation plan, I learned that I can bet on myself and be flat-out wealthy, simply making a living by living, and teaching others how they can do the same. PlanNet has changed my life and my childrens' lives for generations to come. Average WILL NOT be my legacy.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My environment drives me. I am making good money, but I am still not making enough. I am connected to individuals who make six and seven figures who mentor me and are the evidence. The “Why Not Me” drives me. My family motivates me, and that is not just by blood, I also mean those who allow me to personally coach them through this business. On days I don't feel like I can, I look at my family, and see why I should. They are all my why; I would not dare allow them to be my why not. I made a promise to my family, again this includes my team, and as long as I have their buy-in we will continue to fight for those freedoms, and I will continue to be on the front line.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My mom is my role model. She raised my brother and me in a single parent home, she gave us all we needed, and most of what we wanted. She is the true definition of never settling. She just recently hit 50, but a few months prior, she secured her second degree, a Bachelor's, all while continuing to work two jobs. I look at her and know that no matter how tough life can get, no matter what speed others are going around you...embrace your process and never settle.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Authentic, Thoughtful, and Versatile.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Trust your process and never give up. The moment you feel like giving up is always the moment the breakthrough is happening. Don't miss the fruit of your labor.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
It looks like making a living by living! More money! More evidence! More Directors attached to me! I will become a ring wearer and a Ring Maker! It looks like more success!