A Business You Can Work From ANYWHERE?!

PlanNet Marketing is proud to offer our Reps the opportunity to work on their terms and at their own pace. Our Reps are free to travel as they will and work their business on the go! But we do have a few rules about WHERE you can work your PlanNet Marketing business.

PlanNet Marketing is a business and we have legal boundaries. We are only allowed to operate our business in markets (countries) where we have legal permission to operate. That means our Reps have these same limitations. We’re open in the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Panama, and a slew of other islands (check out our full list of open markets via the link below).

So, what are the rules?! Here we go!

1)   Live in an Open Market. PlanNet Marketing requires our Reps primarily to live in (physically reside there, not just be a citizen) a country where we are legally allowed to operate. This also means a Rep or ITA must physically be in an open market upon their enrollment – no buying an ITA while on holiday abroad, folks. But why? I live in the USA normally, I’m just traveling to Africa for a few weeks (or months, or a year, or more…) If a Rep enrolls someone who is physically located in a country where PlanNet Marketing is not allowed to operate, that Rep is violating this policy! They are advertising the Rep business or selling ITAs in a closed market. That can get the Rep and PlanNet Marketing in a heap of trouble. Just wait until your prospect is home.  

2)   Work in an Open Market. Your new prospect decided to join your team – you have a new Rep and ITA working with you, now they’re off to travel the world! A month in Thailand, six months in New Zealand, winter in Cyprus, the sky's the limit! That new Rep and ITA are allowed to travel as they choose – there is no maximum amount of time they can be gone. However, while traveling – they must ONLY recruit Reps and sell ITAs to people who are physically located in open markets. Again, if that traveling Rep sold an ITA to a UK citizen who was also on holiday in Thailand, it would be violating policy – PlanNet Reps are not allowed to operate in Thailand. That traveling Rep IS allowed to sell ITAs to those who are living in open markets!

3)   Duplicate within Your Team. Make sure your team knows and understands this policy. If you don’t understand it, email me at Compliance@plannetmarekting.com to ask questions. Then share your knowledge with your team. These rules are a safeguard for our company and our Reps. Protect the PlanNet!

4)   Other Information. What else do I need to know about this? If PlanNet Marketing has reason to question a Rep's country of origin, we will contact that Rep and ask for several documents to prove where they are living (Proof of Residency). Every Rep should be able to produce these documents upon request. In addition, if a Rep was enrolled or an ITA sold in a closed market, PlanNet Marketing will take action – the account will be closed, the Rep/ITA notified of the reason and the sponsor will be warned. After that initial warning, further violations by the same sponsor will warrant disciplinary action per the policies.

We have a HUGE open market out there – let’s focus our efforts to help people in those countries where PlanNet Marketing is legally sanctioned to operate and refuse to enroll anyone who isn’t living in open markets. Keep working and traveling on your terms with the Best Place on the PlanNet!

List of PlanNet Marketing Open Markets

-- Policies and Procedures Section 2.1.B located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance -- arestivo@plannetmarketing.com

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