Check out these great comments from some of the PlanNet Marketing Directors who were there for the first live event in the UK in a long time! Watch the video and the slideshow for pics and grab the excitement from this sold out event!


One-Star Director Taryn Sinclair:
Yesterday’s Event was POWERFUL!
The value that was delivered and received by all was amazing.
So blessed to be able to work with a selfless group of people who want to make sure everyone can win!
This is just the beginning, the UK is BACK!!!!
Roll on September…!
#PlanNetProud #Unity #WholeUKTeamWilling #ServantLeaders #NewWave #EventsAreBack


Two-Star Director Andre Sinclair:
The energy in the room yesterday was amazing. Being able to pour into the people and bringing people together again was such a great feeling. Working with selfless leaders, sharing value and positivity. PlanNet UK events are back on the map..
We go again in September…!
#PlanNetProud #Unity #TogetherWeRise


Four-Star Director Louise Gatland:
I woke up today just feeling incredible.
We are surrounded by the most amazing people.
Everyone helps, supports, encourages and pushes each other.
We have the most incredible team, the most amazing UK leadership team and we are back in the real world ready to help everyone.
There are people on my friends list that don't even realise one day this team and business will help them.
It's time to make some changes. We are creating a legacy for everyone who wants it.
It's time to take the first step.


One-Star Director Ricardo Grant Lee:
Energy from our event yesterday was contagious and accelerant. Filled with a fantastic vibe. The Directors gave presentations and training for a super day full of knowledge and positive energy. Our next event is September 11th and we know it will do the same or much better. Don't miss out Latino.

Three-Star Director David Dacosta: