PlanNet Marketing welcomes Amber Del Greco to the 20/20 Club! Amber tells us, “I was born in Tunbridge Wells, England and lived around that area when I was young, and have been living in Hertfordshire in England, UK for the past 20 years. My interests include travelling, of course! I also love anything to do with fashion, design, and creating. Even when I'm choosing hotels to stay in, the design and interiors are something that's important to me. I just feel like it adds to the overall experience. I also LOVE dining out. I'm not sure if that counts as an interest but nothing makes me happier than going out for breakfast/lunch/dinner, especially whilst travelling!

“When I was younger, my family and I used to go to Italy to visit relatives.They used to live in the most beautiful villages that I probably would never have even heard of or visited if they didn't live there. I've also travelled around other parts of Europe with my art class in school, and whilst at University. I've visited Paris, Copenhagen, Barcelona, and some small cities around Germany. I've travelled to Bali twice for three weeks at a time with one of my closest friends. Just before March, 2020 I finally managed to head over to the USA for a week in New York with my partner for Christmas. I haven't been to as many places as I would have liked, but that's why I originally joined this opportunity. I look forward to getting to work on my continuously growing bucket list later on this year.

“Remain consistent and organised is probably what you will hear from every leader, but genuinely that is the best advice I received from my mentors. No matter how much or how little you can do, as long as you remain consistent and show up every day, you are bound to see results. The compound effect is an incredible thing when it works for you so make sure you allow it to affect you in a positive way by making a commitment to yourself to show up. By showing up every day no matter what, I don't need to stress about if I'm where I want to be. I know that it's on the way. The business itself isn't 'hard,’ the tasks you need to do daily are simple, but what's easy to do, is also easy not to do, so don't fall into that trap.

“Another important bit of advice is staying connected to the business, to your missions, to your leaders. Getting on team trainings, for example, may seem like something you can take or leave and it won't make a difference, but staying plugged in to your community is so important. Building a business can be a lonely journey sometimes, but it really doesn't have to be with the support that is around you. Isolating yourself is the least productive way to try and grow a business so make use of the training, stay accountable to your upline, and just get involved with your community as much as you can because it makes all the difference.

“The main way I have achieved success is by being coachable, and I know that's easy to say but listening to people who have found the success you are looking for is so important. I think it's easy to think we know best sometimes, but using the duplicatable system that your uplines and mentors show you is genuinely what works. The start of my journey definitely wasn't as fast paced as it is now and that's truly down to not listening to the advice I was being given. You should want to succeed for yourself, but I promise you that nobody wants to see you succeed more than your mentor or your upline Director. They are there to help you and they've been exactly where you are. You don't need to do 'trial and error' with this business anymore. We have a system that works, so use it! Once you have that down, you can duplicate that down to your team as well. 

“A fun fact about me is that I'm a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I trained for about four years before going off to University, and it's something that I've definitely been meaning to get back into!”


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Lakedra Gorman to the 20/20 Club! Lakedra was born and  raised in West Monroe, Louisiana, and now resides in Houston, Texas. She says, “I enjoy traveling the world with my kids, finding new places to eat, and helping others break generational curses. My happy place is at the beach. I have traveled to several destinations such as Cali, Vegas, Arizona, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Cancun, Belize, Honduras, and Grand Turks & Caicos, just to name a few. 

“I’m achieving success because of my hard work, dedication and consistency. The layers of leadership and support we have in PlanNet Marketing is the best of the best. I have the best upline, downline, and sideline partners who inspire me daily. I want to shout-out my mentor/sponsor, Three-Star Director Lorie Banatte, who is a servant leader and is always there when I need her. I am forever grateful to be connected to her and I can’t thank her enough for all she does. Never in life have I ever experienced so much love, support, and encouragement from people who genuinely want to see you win and don’t mind helping you.

“Being coachable, teachable, and staying plugged in is key to achieving success quickly in this business. My why (which are my kids) and my team are what drives me to keep pushing even on the days that I don’t feel like it. There are families counting on me and I refuse to let them down. 

“A little 'fun fact' about me is that I am very adventurous and I am determined to help others live life on their own terms.”


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Sam Kenny to the 20/20 Club! Sam tells us, “I’m originally from County Durham, UK but moved to North Yorkshire in my early teens and then emigrated to Sydney, Australia, but ended up back in the UK and settled in Warwickshire. It’s a mixture of accents to say the least!

“I’m a 27-year-old Mama to my 16-month-old daughter, Phoebe, and fur baby, Dexter. I’ve been fortunate enough to have travelled on family holidays most years since I was a baby, the highlight definitely being Disney World in Florida three times and as mentioned, emigrating to Australia. As a family, we are working towards buying our first home and we enjoy all things outdoors and activities. The dream is to be able to show Phoebe the world, take her to Disney and experience different cultures, retire my Dad and partner and renovate our dream home.

“I began my journey at the end of June 2020, when my daughter was 4 months old, to simply top up my maternity pay. Of course the dream was to be able to not return to work, but little did I realise that dream was to become a reality four months later!

“I started the business while struggling with postnatal depression and anxiety; some would use it as an excuse not to start. I could see the team seemed so happy, full of energy and succeeding and I desperately wanted that too. Not only has my travel business brought me extra income, extra time with my daughter, not missing any of her ‘firsts,’ and true friendships, but it’s given me back MYSELF!  Having the support from my incredible team to inspire and push me forward daily in my business and day-to-day life is something I’m truly grateful for. And of course my mentors have been key to my journey!

“My journey hasn’t been easy; if it was, everyone would be successful,right? It’s been a rollercoaster journey but boy have I learnt so much, and the reality is I’ve just been testing the waters. My team inspires me daily; the majority are parents too and have the same vision. Our children deserve that willable income and I’m on a mission to grab my first star and prove this business is possible around a young baby. 

“My biggest bit of advice is to TRUST the process, trust you will get to where you want to be by showing up daily, falling in love with what we do and taking serious action. Now is the time to be sharing this incredible opportunity. Everyone’s journey is different, because they need to learn different lessons in order to ‘level up.’ Trust yours is going to be the perfect one for you, and even when it feels tough, keep pushing through. On the other side is success. Know that success is coming, and never doubt it.

“A fun fact about me is that I’ve actually had 14 different job titles since I started working at 14 years of age. Not that I couldn’t hold down a job, I just never felt challenged or content enough. Even achieving my dream job at 23 as a Web/Graphic Designer, I felt disappointed after a few’s only now that I feel I’ve found my home, and a psychic actually told me I’d end up in travel/tourism ten years ago! I had no idea what she meant at the time and presumed she wasn’t legit. Mind blowing!


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Tara Beal-Perkins to the 20/20 Club! Tara is from Gulfport, Mississippi and currently resides in Douglasville, GA with her husband, Kenneth, and their 10-year-old daughter, Hailey. She tells us, “I love to cook, travel with my family, and get together with my family and friends at my home. I have traveled to Mexico, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic, Canada, and various locations across the United States. My daughter has requested that we travel to Paris, France and New York City for the past couple of years, so Mom has to take her and make this trip happen.

“I am achieving success by being consistent and staying motivated. There are times when the business gets difficult, but I always remember this phrase, ‘It is impossible to stop a man or woman who will not quit.’  I refuse to quit on myself because I would be quitting on my family, my business partners, and others who have poured into me. I have always been told to trust the process and follow the system that is in place. In other words, duplication is the key. I am learning to duplicate what I see my sponsor, mentors and leadership is doing. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. We see the success others are having, so let’s do what they are doing.

“I have to give a big shout out to my sponsor, One-Star Director Selina Best. She pushes me daily and encourages me to stay the course and to remember the goals I have set for myself and my team.

“A fun fact about me is that while I grew up two blocks from the beaches of the Mississippi Gulf Coast and I love being around water, guess what? I cannot swim. And that is one place I have to go every summer – near a beach. I have signed up to take swimming lessons this summer so I can enjoy the beautiful beaches I plan on visiting!”


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Greta Summerville to the 20/20 Club! Greta says, “I am from a small rural town called Marshall, VA and currently reside in Gainesville, VA with my husband and amazing family. I am passionate about the word of God, fashion, Spanish language and culture and being a voice for those who don’t have one.

“I’ve traveled to many states within the US, Puerto Rico, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. With this opportunity afforded to me by PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel, I hope to add Greece, Italy, Chile, New Zealand, Switzerland, Brazil, French Polynesia, Curaçao, Turks and Caicos, Japan, Dubai, Singapore, Iceland, Jamaica, St. Maarten, Spain, France, Nassau, the Netherlands and the Maldives to my checklist.

“I don’t really feel like I have achieved anything quickly, per se, but I am so grateful to Mr. Bradley, his wife, Deborah, and the sacrifices they’ve both made so that so many of us can experience success. I would recommend to anyone – trust your leadership and do what they say THE FIRST TIME they say it. To do the opposite is to stunt your own growth, and no one wants that!

“One interesting fact about me is that I had a dream about this business in 2015, but I didn’t realize it WAS this business until 2019 when I had a sequel dream. It was at that time that the Holy Spirit revealed to me that this business venture was a God-given idea from the 2015 dream. In the fall of 2018, I had stepped into it. Little did I know at the time that this opportunity would be a wealth strategy that the Lord would use to allow me to bless others the way my heart has always desired. (I even posted the dream on social media on Mother’s Day 2020.)


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Michelle Williams to the 20/20 Club! Michelle was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri where she still resides. She tells us, “I enjoy reading, spending time with family, wine tasting and of course, TRAVELING!!!! I love beaches and the ocean and have been all over the Caribbean including Antigua, Turks and Caicos, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic and all of Mexico! 

“I started this business with the passion to travel, but my why has definitely changed from when I started. My why now is to not only help myself, but to bring along others to get residual income and secure the future for their families. 

“My biggest challenge has been to stay consistent and continue to work the process. The process works as long as you work it! That would be my advice, remain consistent and there is power in the follow up! If it makes you uncomfortable, you are doing the right thing, keep pushing and don't quit.

“A fun fact about me is that I have a ‘decade bucket list.’ When I turned 40, I decided to have a ‘40 things I would do by 40’ list, and now that has evolved to 50 by 50!!! And one of the things on my personal bucket list is to become a Director and leave that official legacy for my family!”