PlanNet Marketing congratulates Sherella Saunders for achieving One-Star Director! Sherella says, I am originally from the beautiful Turks and Caicos Islands, and am now residing in Pembroke Pines, FL. I love to travel the world with my three boys, showing them all that life has to offer. This business has allowed me the freedom to travel when I want, where I want and with who I want. I retired myself from my 9-5 because I wanted the time freedom to travel around the world.

“I am a motivator and mentor, and one of the things I've always told my clients is that ‘God did not put us on the earth to work, pay bills and die.’ Close your eyes and see yourself on the canvas of your mind. There you are and every day you wake up, you should do what you have to do to get there. Travel as much as you can. Time waits on no one. 

“I achieved success because I never quit. 2020 was a bit of a challenge for me. I got sick last June and it taught me a valuable lesson. Life is what you make it; live, love, laugh and travel. Never give up and never quit. Always remember someone's success is tied to yours.

“I love to sing, laugh, and dance. Although I am a church girl at heart, I also love to get out and enjoy life.”