PlanNet Marketing congratulates Amy Beckett for achieving One-Star Director! Amy lives in Leeds, UK. She tells us, “Luckily it’s a very cosmopolitan and a fun city because I am ridiculously sociable and love meeting new people! 

“I am absolutely over the moon to have achieved Directorship. I’m so grateful to have met the most amazing friends along the way, not only in my direct team, but from the greater organisation too. I cannot wait to be surrounded by them at Convention!  

“I don’t believe that I could have gotten to One-Star Director or 60/60 Club with the mindset that I had 14 months ago when I first joined PlanNet Marketing. I have done a lot of personal development since then, worked on my mindset and read up about (and implemented) the habits of successful people. The IMPLEMENTATION is the crucial part. We get so much value from the amazing Directors within the team, but it’s the ones who use that value and implement it that reap the rewards and gain the successes. 

“I didn’t previously know that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. For a start, it means that you have actually set goals, but it also means that you will figure out exactly what it is that you need to do to achieve those goals, and consequently you are more likely to take ACTION.

“A dream without a goal is just a wish.
A goal without a plan is just a dream. 
I set myself a goal, I wrote it down, but as a team WE did it ⭐️!!

“Another thing I’ve learnt is there is no substitute for hard work. People ask how you’ve done it and for tips, but the truth is, it’s simply about putting in the hours, taking the physical action, being consistent, disciplined, patient and resilient. Rome wasn’t built in a day but it was certainly worth the time it took to build!”