PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Thwana Johnson to the 20/20 Club! Thwana tells us, “I hail from the Big Apple, where I was born and raised in New York City, New York – Harlem, to be exact! I reside in Lorton, VA with my sons while my husband is currently serving as a Brigade Commander in the Middle East for the next two years.
“For as long as I can remember, I’ve been bit by the travel bug and my love for travel is only temporarily satisfied through more enriching travel experiences! As if it were yesterday, I can remember as a young girl taking a chartered bus trip to Disney World one summer, chartered bus trips to Virginia Beach at the end of every summer, and chartered bus trips to Pennsylvania Dutch Country right before Thanksgiving every fall. In high school, I was even able to take my first trip abroad to Spain, and being on active duty for more than 20 years before retiring, afforded my family and I continued life enrichment by being assigned and having the ability to travel throughout the continental United States, Europe, and Asia!
“Like many others, it was my love of travel that caused me to be a number one and say ‘Sign me up,’ before even hearing the entire presentation! Unfortunately, this was a blessing and a curse. I joined PlanNet Marketing on February 18, 2020, but did not see the business for the opportunity it was until my One-Star Director, Dr. Shenila Hill Rodriguez, took a personal interest in empowering me to be set free from the federal government by using this platform to create long-term sustainable income and create generational wealth from anywhere! ‘WOW!!’ – was what I said after she broke down the compensation plan on December 8, 2020, and I hit the ground running full speed ahead and haven’t stopped since!
“Within eight days I became a Gold Builder and within a total of 45 days I became a member of the 20/20 Club! My advice to others is simple: listen to the advice of those who serve as evidence of this proven lucrative system and do not waste time being distracted by shiny objectives like your love of travel, the woes of life, and the opinions of others. When it seems hard, dig in, stay the course, and master the mundane because it’s in these moments of life-changing grit that the grace of God covers you and elevates you above all you could ever imagine or ask!
“Interesting fact: I’m an introvert who completely detests being out front or in the spotlight! I draw my strength and energy from within, yet God continues to place me in positions to transfer that energy and strength to others. I am PlanNet Proud to continue my passion and purpose with this economic empowerment movement!”