PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Jamie Velasquez to the 20/20 Club! Jamie was born and raised in Eastern CT, but moved to Knoxville, TN when she was 30. She says, “I am married to my best friend and have three amazing boys who are 18, 12, and 6. I am also a full-time nurse.

“My love for travel started when I was young. My mom took me to Hawaii when I was 11, Spain when I was 14, and Disney. We also did a lot of camping in New Hampshire. My husband and I have taken one vacation a year with the kids. We did a cruise, went to Puerto Rico, and Florida. Since starting my business, we have been traveling so much more, and we love it! I just got back from the Dominican Republic and Hawaii!! 

“I try my hardest to be consistent with PlanNet Marketing, and tell everyone about my business. I make sure to brag about my trips and share with people all my wonderful experiences. 

“A fun fact about me…I had two of my boys on the same day, six years apart. They even look like twins, with an age difference!”