
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Emily Fox to the 20/20 Club! Emily is from Hertfordshire, UK. She tells us, “I obviously have a huge passion for travel!! But I also have an addiction to buying swimwear, which actually goes hand in hand with my holiday obsession. I also love socialising and having a cocktail or two with my friends (preferably whilst sitting in the sun)! I went travelling when I was 21; I lived in Sydney, Australia for a one year and then spent another year travelling around. During this time, I visited other areas of Australia and then Thailand, Bali, Vietnam, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur. It was honestly the best experience of my life and I would urge anyone who is considering it to book their ticket tomorrow...that is exactly what I did! I woke up one morning and thought about going, the next day my one way flight to Australia was booked. I am a true believer of ‘going for it.’

“I am achieving my success by not giving up, being patient, and being myself. When I talk to people about the business, I try to build relationships with them so they feel at ease and have trust in not only me but the business model. My top tip is to be a self-motivator, because no one else is going to push you.

“DO NOT GIVE UP! You can really achieve anything when you put your mind and time to it. Find the balance between working and having fun. And don't put too much pressure on yourself.

“A fun fact:  I did a skydive over the Whitsunday Islands in Australia; it was properly the scariest moment of my life but the best – get it ticked off your bucket list, guys!!”