
PlanNet Marketing is proud to welcome Aneesa Kahn to the 60/60 Club! Aneesa tells us, “I’m from South Wales, Cardiff. I live with my husband and little boy, Noah, and am currently pregnant with our second baby due next month! My entire aim in life is to be the best mum I can be and provide them with not only everything they need but to show them a golden work ethic.

“Noah and this baby are my ultimate motivation all day, every day and I can honestly say that becoming a mum really aligned my priorities in life. I never make excuses, and even being heavily pregnant is just a reason for me to work harder and is never an excuse to stop. I won’t stop working until I’ve hit some huge huge goals for us, and this is such a special moment for me as I receive this recognition whilst being eight months pregnant.

“We are obsessed with traveling, especially now with our little family, and I can’t believe that joining this business to save on our personal travels has turned into building a legacy. I adore my team and the whole of TPL and what it stands for. I’ve never met such an incredible bunch of people that have so much passion and motivation and I’m so proud to be a huge part of it.

If I had to give advice to anyone wondering ‘what’s the secret,’ that would be that there is NO SECRET. Sheer consistency and dedication to your business will lead you to your goals and I’ll shout it from the rooftops! Daily habits and a positive mindset also go a very long way in this business. Keep things organised, use diaries and checklists because an organised mindset is an organised business. 

“And lastly: LEAD BY EXAMPLE! I will only ever give my team advice on what I have done myself and what has worked for me. I’m there for them 24/7 and as much as they need, and I think this has definitely contributed to my success. I want my team to win and I’ll be here to support and guide them no matter what and be a lifelong friend, too! When my team is winning and succeeding, we’re all winning because there is honestly no I in TEAM. And don’t forget, there will always be people who doubt you and tell you it won’t work, but that’s when you put your head down, work in silence, stay focused on your vision, and hit these major milestones. Your time is too precious to worry or care about other people’s opinions. Just keep moving forward, is what I say to my team! I’ve found some absolutely incredible people along the way of my journey whilst being a part of PlanNet and I’m so excited for what’s to come. I've made lifelong friends and I can’t wait to meet them all at the next convention! 

“Claiming my Director’s jacket is definitely the next goal I will hit this year by helping more people become a part of such an incredible business. And just a heads up...if you hear someone sending voice notes from the labour ward in September; then just know it’s me! #TeamNoExcuses!!!

“Thank you so much to my husband, Sam, for his support and dedication, always seeing my vision and believing in it with me even if nobody else does or it sounds absolutely crazy. I’d also like to give a huge thank you to Lucy, Marcella, and the entire TPL team for the support, guidance and momentum they provide, and of course, my personal downline. You are all incredible and I love mentoring such an amazing bunch of people. 100% friends for life – here’s to the next 12 months of success for us, TEAM!

And thank you, Mr. Bradley, for such an except