
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Shanel KinseyParks to the 20/20 Club! Shanel is from New Brunswick, NJ and has lived in Conyers, GA for 15 years. She shares, “I am a wife and mother of three boys, three beautiful stepdaughters and three grandchildren. I'm an only child and I have always wanted a big family to love on. God has definitely blessed me with that and then some!  I'm a full-time registered orthopedic technician and have been working in the medical field for 19 years. I have always loved to serve and help others. I often have to be reminded that it's time to refill my own cup due to the continuous spillover which warms my heart, because I know I'm walking in God's purpose. My interests are family gatherings, traveling, watching movies, trying new cuisines, and sharing motivational and inspirational messages daily to uplift others – including myself.

“As far as travel experiences go – WANDERLUST! I have always loved to travel but only traveled up and down the east coast up until 2013 when I got married. We took our family on our very first cruise for our honeymoon, which was amazing and enjoyable. WE ALL CRAVED MORE OF IT! Upon return, I immediately applied for my passport because we were ready to travel internationally. In 2014, we visited Aruba (One Happy Island) which we instantly fell in love with (we were even considering property there and still are). Since then, we have been on five cruises (two through my very own travel business) to Jamaica, Cabo San Lucas (twice now), which was so amazing the second time around! And in two months we will be in the Dominican Republic for seven days, which I was able to book through my InteleTravel back office as a RIU specialist using points to cover the resort stay – WINNING! (Editor’s note: this info was received before COVID19 travel restrictions).

“I am so grateful for my sister in success for recommending this business and being able to have partnered with such amazing, skilled, determined, and motivated individuals who I'm honored to call family. I continue to achieve success by staying partnered with PlanNet Marketing, plugging in, continued personal development, which is essential and highly recommended, supporting one another, copying the right cat (LOL), and believing in the process. It is possible to learn and earn while having fun and saving lives by helping/showing others how to move across the poverty line with ‘right now income’ and being able to sustain financial security, per Mr. Bradley.

All I have to say is "LIVE YOUR DREAM." I know I will not quit until I'm living the life I dream of –  so why not you! PUSH = Pray Until Something Happens but make sure there is consistency in what you are doing! A fun fact about me: I smile no matter what just to make others smile!”