
1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in Somerset, NJ. Yes, I am a ‘Jersey Girl!’ I call myself an ETE, Engineer Turned Entrepreneur. I graduated from Howard University with a degree in Electrical Engineering and I spent 20 years in corporate America. I currently live in Johns Creek, GA and I have one amazing daughter, who also graduated from Howard University, and now lives in Los Angeles, CA. Travel is our passion and the beach is our happy place!

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I have personally developed since joining PlanNet Marketing in 2015 in many ways but I’ve definitely become more empathetic, which is a great quality that’s needed when leading people. I’ve always been a “get it done no matter the situation” type of person and I did not need a lot of outside motivation. Growing up, my family (parents, brother, sister) was super supportive, but you had to have tough skin. In corporate America, in the industry I was a part of, you absolutely had to have tough skin. Empathy wasn’t really a big part of my life. By learning about emotional intelligence, reading books, training and real life application, I’ve discovered how important being empathetic is to the success of the team as well as individuals on the team and I am getting better every day. Being open to personal development is what helped get me to Three-Star Director and will be essential in my journey to Nine-Star.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
Winning drives me! I want to win for my family and for my team. I am a very goal-oriented person. Once I set the goal, I go all out to smash it. Most of my goals are centered around being able to take care of my parents and my daughter; that drives me. I am motivated by the fact that my action or inaction has a direct effect on my team. I’m truly motivated to help them win!

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My parents…they choose to live life RIGHT each and every day. They believe in God, they genuinely care about people, they are fair, 100% dependable, family-first driven, and they utilize common sense each and every day. This could be why they’ve been married for 60 years!

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Determined, Resilient, and Loyal

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Don’t be afraid of new things or things you don’t understand. Make a decision, learn, be coachable, be consistent, and execute. The results will be life-changing. When I chose my major, nobody in my family really knew what an engineer was, including myself, but I made a decision and went for it. As a result, I was successful and did quite well in the industry. Present day, I had no experience in network marketing, actually was adverse to it, but I made a decision, became coachable, and started executing. Now this industry is going to make me and many others in my circle wealthy!

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Absolutely amazing!! Trips with my daughter, trips with my family, trips with new friends, trips with old friends, trips with my team…do you get the theme?