
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Megan Hughes to the 20/20 Club! Megan is from the Liverpool area in north England. She tells us her interests are travel (obviously), healthy plant-based living, yoga, gym and reading business books. “My travel experiences – I've been lucky enough to have travelled to quite a few countries, 25 in fact. My highlights are New Zealand, Canada, Northern Thailand, California, Vietnam and the Bahamas.

“Any tips that I could pass along would just be to trust the process. It's a proven process that works and it's all a numbers game. Probably the main thing that has benefited my business is attraction marketing. Showing people where my office is, talking about my day, showing people my life and myself.

“A fun fact: I left my job early last year after being miserable for months, I hated the job. I drove home that night singing my heart out and being the happiest I'd ever been because I knew I was never going to work for anyone ever again. I didn't know how it was going to happen, but I just knew. A week after that I started reading The Secret, and soon after I had finished the book, I got a message about the business. I now do this business full-time and I've never had to work for anyone else since I walked out of my job that day. If you TRULY believe something, the universe will find a way to make it happen.”