Meet new PlanNet Marketing One-Star Director Sharonda Johnson! She is originally from the small town of Arcadia, Oklahoma, by way of Oklahoma City. Sharonda shares,”I am a hairstylist of 27 years and my passion is helping others! I’ve been an entrepreneur my entire adult life; I’ve never worked a job before, and don’t plan on working one! I love working with young people, working in our community and doing projects with nonprofit organizations.
“I have traveled extensively domestically and I’m super excited to start my international travel experiences thanks to this amazing opportunity! The success on our team came from being consistent and plugging into the calls, having PBR’s, making sure we launched our business partners, and making sure we help people get whatever it is they want out of the business. If I could give a tip to someone who is feeling defeated or that attrition is hitting hard, it would be to KEEP SWINGING! Never stop looking and stay plugged in. Attach yourself to someone who wants what you want, even if they’re not on your team, get an accountability partner and run with them, boost up your activity, and the results will come…also, READ! I highly recommend Your First Year in Network Marketing by Mark Yarnell and Building an Empire by Brian Carruthers.
“In closing, I’d like to thank our Founder and visionary and his lovely wife, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bradley, for this amazing opportunity! A special thank you to my sponsor and mentor, Mr. Dexter Grier, and last but definitely not least, our amazing team of Champions whom I get the pleasure of working with on a daily basis! I’m so happy to be partnered with such an awesome group of people.”