
Play Nice!

My high school Geometry teacher was known for saying, "Play nice in the sandbox or you'll get your pail and shovel taken away." We all loved Mr. Gnan's sense of humor, and we would laugh and smile at each other every time he said it. But it's TRUE!

My message to you today is – Play Nice! In your family, with your spouse, with your kids, with your coworkers, with your neighbors, and with your business associates in PlanNet Marketing or any business…play nice. Don't be rude or mean-spirited. Don't try to take someone's shovel or rake. If you're trying to build a castle and your friend just had a tower knocked over – ask if you can help them out.

I know this isn't kindergarten and we aren't really playing in the sand, but the way we live our lives is the way we run our business. We want PlanNet Marketing to be known for the upstanding way our Reps do business. If someone isn't playing nice with you – show kindness anyway. If someone is speaking to you with rudeness or disrespect – be professional anyway. 

We may not all work in a "brick and mortar" building, but in our “click and order” culture, we can be quick to dismiss others instead of trying to be there for each other. Don't forget that all PlanNet Reps are on the same team – we're all in this together. It is okay to disagree sometimes. It is okay to run your business differently than others run theirs. It is okay not to see eye-to-eye on every subject. We can still choose to work arm-in-arm with one another.

Play fair, be nice, help others. You will always come out on top in the end.

Code of Ethics


PlanNet Marketing is a values-based company that prides itself on the quality and character of its Independent Representatives (IR). The following guidelines help ensure a uniform standard of excellence throughout our organization. Every PlanNet Marketing IR is expected to practice the following ethical behavior when acting in the name of the company:

I will be respectful of every person I meet while doing PlanNet Marketing-related business.

At all times I will conduct myself and my business in an ethical, moral, legal, and financially sound manner.

I will not engage in activities that would bring disrepute to PlanNet Marketing, any PlanNet Marketing corporate officer or employee, myself, or other IRs.

I will not make discouraging or disparaging claims toward other PlanNet Marketing IRs. I will ensure that in all PlanNet Marketing business dealings I will refrain from engaging in negative language. I will refrain from making any type of slanderous statements.

I will provide support and encouragement to my Customers to ensure that their experience with PlanNet Marketing is a successful one. I understand that it is important to provide follow-up service and support to my downline.

I will abide by all of PlanNet Marketing’s Policies & Procedures now and as they may be amended in the future.

 -- Policies and Procedures Section 1.1, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

-- Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance  


Set your reminder for every Friday to take a few minutes to read the newest PlanNetNow! Don’t miss the latest announcements, recognitions, and the motivation this important communication provides. See you next Friday!