
1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised on the Wirral, near Liverpool in the UK. Although I now live in North Wales, whilst travelling around the world a lot with my partner. I have always loved travelling and it has been my number one passion for as long as I remember. When I was younger, I would just sit and stare at a map for hours – still to do now, to be honest.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I can't even explain how much I've developed as a person over the last year since being in this business. My confidence, self-belief, self-love, financial knowledge and sooooo much more! I am a totally different person in the best possible way.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
The idea of being totally financially free is what drives me! Being able to travel wherever I want, whenever I want! I also want to help support my family, tip hard workers, give big donations to charity – that makes me emotional.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Sounds cheesy, but my parents are amazing people and are probably my biggest role models. I've been so lucky, they have always told me to try hard at the things that make me happy! And that's what they have done, too!

5. The three words that describe you best are:
The three words that describe me best are positive, determined and loyal.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
If I only had one piece of advice to give, it would be to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND DON'T LET ANYTHING ELSE GET IN THE WAY OF ACHIEVING WHAT YOU WANT! Make a decision to be happy and stick to that. Nothing else matters.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
In five years, I want to have travelled all over the world, be completely financially free, have a beautiful home and a very happy family.