
PlanNet Marketing is proud to welcome New One-Star Director April Sonnenberg to the 40/40 Club! April tells us that she is a 52-year-old small town girl with a big heart to help people. She is originally from Holgate, Ohio and now resides in Findlay, Ohio. “I am a mom of three beautiful daughters, grandma to seven amazing grandchildren and a wife to my best friend and man of my dreams of 33 years! I am a family girl; we are all always together when possible, blessed beyond measure! We love camping – well OK, glamping in my case! We always look forward to having friends and family over for cookouts and fires. One of my favorite hobbies is interior design. I would say the other is planning amazing honeymoons! 

“Travel is something I’ve always dreamed of doing, although not a priority as our children were always involved in so many activities year-round. This business has allowed us to be able to travel and experience things I only ever dreamed of. Also being able to help others pursue their dreams is amazing and so powerful. 

“I am currently a brand new One-Star Director, and now a member of the 40/40 Club! I recently resigned from a position in ICU as a patient care technician to work my business full time and continue to build our empire and legacy! I have held many sales positions in the past, and nothing compares to PlanNet, nothing. This business is the only company that has the world to offer us if we follow the plan and plug in! Those are my most important words of advice. If you want to succeed in this business, Mr. Bradley has designed a system that works! Stop trying to reinvent the wheel; it's not broken and he has created a chariot, get in and ride!! And don't wait! Plug in and practice what we have, lean in, and leverage your leaders! They so graciously give of their time and talents.  


“Since becoming a PlanNet Representative, I have learned that self development is crucial to growth! Also reading and being coachable and be willing to put in the work! I also had to learn to stop being so emotional and taking everything so personally, put on my big girl pants, and learn from my situations. Learn to GROW through what you GO through. I can't stress plugging in enough and the importance of it. 

“Your WHY has to be bigger than your why not! When I truly embraced the concept of leaving my family a legacy, a will and not a bill, it truly drove me to work towards my goal and now my goals are growing. Have the passion to pursue your goals – together we accomplish more (T-E-A-M). 

“I feel so blessed to have such an amazing upline who has always believed in me, never gave up on me, and was always there to support and mentor me. Miss Cindy Bruggeman has made an amazing impact on me in this business and Miss Jennifer Smith has been such a huge support and friend. And accountability is not an option – find someone who will push you, encourage you, and cheer you on even when you don’t think you can. I am so blessed to have found that in Director Amy Boes and an amazing lifelong friendship.

“If I had to describe myself, I would say compassionate, caring, and supportive. My advice to anyone who is serious about becoming successful is to plug in, stay connected, and speak and write your goals to everyone! Believe in what we have. My walk with the Lord and His leading keep me grounded. God bless.”