1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born in Tuskegee, Alabama, while my wife, Michelle, was born in Wurzburg, Germany. We currently reside in Pike Road, Alabama. I currently work full time in Human Resources, while Michelle is a medically retired soldier from the United States Army. We enjoy traveling and most of the time prefer road trips versus flying, for an opportunity to stop in different cities along the way to explore. We also enjoy reading, with our favorite being the literature that is designed to assist us in taking our business to the next level.
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
We have grown tremendously in so many different ways since joining PlanNet Marketing. We enjoy working with others who are on the same path as we are and who are striving on a daily basis to be successful. We also embrace the fact that we get to make a difference in the lives of others by helping them start their own business.
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
We are driven by our children and grandchildren. To create a vehicle for them that will last for generations to come is just one of the AWESOME benefits this business offers. We are motivated to help our team reach their next level and excel beyond expectation with PlanNet Marketing. We understand that self-motivation is a personal attribute; however, we strive to use motivational tactics with our team.
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
There is an exceptional amount of GREAT leaders in this business! There are many that we could list as role models; however, we couldn't possibly list them all. Felicia Miles is a great role model; she has equipped us with the tools necessary to reach our highest potential in the business. She is a Four-Star Director who has worked immensely with her team overall, ensuring that we have the tools necessary to reach our highest potential and beyond in the business, should we choose to do so.
5. The three words that describe you best are:
Driven, Determined, Passionate.
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Never give up on yourself or your business. If you quit everything you start, you will never know what it feels like to finish. A positive mind will produce positive results; a negative mind will produce negative results…choose your mindset wisely.
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Absolutely AMAZING!! We will be millionaires! I will be retired from my corporate America career and we will be traveling the world sharing this AWESOME opportunity with others. In five years, we will have many stars on our jackets. We will be debt-free!