
Meet new PlanNet Marketing One-Star Director Anne Darnton! Anne is originally from Scotland but now lives in the middle of England, in Kenilworth. She tells us that she is married with one daughter, aged 10, and is a homeschooling mum. “I love travel and love to explore more of our wonderful planet! In the last year I’ve been to Malaga and Gibraltar on the superyacht with PlanNet Marketing, Disneyland Paris, and Orlando for Convention, where we tagged on a family holiday too. 

“This year I’m heading to southern Ireland, Las Vegas, a road trip to France and Spain, and a peninsula in a remote part of Scotland only reached by boat, and then in September back to our fabulous convention in Florida!

“I’m delighted to have reached One-Star Director and owe that to a combination of plugging into training and locker call updates, following up with action, attending events to network, including the fabulous Black Tie event in London. I decided at the start of 2019 to prioritize attending every event that I possibly could and to book other plans around that. Combining those decisions with the amazing team support we have and mentoring from upline Directors is how I reached this exciting promotion. Now I’m delighted to watch my team moving towards the same promotion!

“I feel thankful everyday for this once in a lifetime opportunity!”