
We updated our Policies as of Monday, January 6, 2020 - check out the following Sections of the Policies and Procedures in your Virtual Office for updates (Information Center > Resources > Legal Documents > Policies and Procedures)

Section 2.1.B - Requirements to Become an IR - We expanded the explanation of "reside in open market."

Section 2.4 - Terms and Renewal of a PlanNet Marketing Business - Hyperwallet/Paylution Accounts with a positive balance will no longer be closed after cancellation. 

Section 4.4.E - Web Policy, Social Networking Sites - Added a policy about Social Media Groups used for PlanNet Marketing business.

Section 4.7 - Unsolicited Email and Fax Communication - Added a clause requiring prior informed consent of a person before sending them marketing communication.

Section 5.7 - Income Taxes - Added an explanation of Hyperwallet/Paylution Tax Verification system for US Reps and tax waiver requirement for non-US Reps.

Section 5.11 - One PlanNet Marketing Business - Spouses are now allowed only ONE Rep account they may work together. See definition of "spouses" within the Policies.


Section 8.1 - Bonus and Commission Qualifications - Added Hyperwallet/Paylution Account remains open indefinitely, abandoned funds are considered unclaimed property and must legally be treated as such.

Section 11 - Frustration of Purpose - Added a clause that if a person is ineligible to be an Agent, for any reason, they are also ineligible to be a Rep.

Section 13 - Open Markets - Added a full list of our open markets/countries.

Email with any questions about these updates or any of our Policies.   

~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --


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