

After last week’s “I WILL 2020” blog post, I am genuinely inspired. PlanNet Marketing’s Reps are setting some serious goals and gearing up to do the work necessary to reach those goals! What are your goals and resolutions for the coming year? Have you thought about it?  Whatever your goals – you should write them down, come up with a game plan to execute those goals, and then keep that plan in front of you throughout the year.

Getting in shape sounds great, but if you don’t schedule time to hit the gym or go for a run, it might not happen. Spending more time with your family is definitely important, but if you don’t call your fam up and commit to something, you’ll probably forget. Traveling is FUN, but if you don’t book that cruise, you’ll never take it. The point is, to accomplish these goals – you need MORE than just intention, you need some planning and lots of ACTION!

What are your goals for your PlanNet business in 2020? Earn more? Grow your team? Join the 20/20 Club? Hit Director? These goals won’t just HAPPEN. You need a plan. What will you do first? Start attending more meetings? Talk to more people about PlanNet Marketing? Follow up with every person whose interest you pique? Have more three-way calls? Work with the people you already have and help them grow? Think of some practical steps to get you to your goal, and then WRITE THEM DOWN.


Research shows that writing down your goals and dreams has a HUGE impact on your odds of bringing them to reality. Studies have been done, this isn’t just me talking here folks – those who write down their goals have a significantly higher chance of achieving those goals!

Make your dreams come true, design your own ideal life, create more personal freedom, time freedom, and financial freedom for you and your family. It’s easy to talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? Let’s RUN, PlanNet Marketing.  

PlanNet Marketing has some BIG goals for our company in 2020, but we won’t accomplish them without each and every one of you. Get serious about your goals in 2020.

 -- The Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --


Set your reminder for every Friday to take a few minutes to read the newest PlanNetNow! Don’t miss the latest announcements, recognitions, and the motivation this important communication provides. See you next Friday!
