PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Quiana Butler to the 20/20 Club! Quiana is from Miami, Florida and resides in Lawrenceville, Georgia. She tells us, “I enjoy social media marketing, attending network marketing events, listening to audiobooks, cooking, and spending time with family. My travel experiences have greatly widened since starting my travel business. I’ve been able to travel to Cancun, Punta Cana, Miami, and Charleston in one month! I’ve never been outside of the US before my travel business.
“I’m achieving success at PlanNet Marketing by attraction marketing on and offline, and also following the footsteps of my mentors, Keymone Noble and Natalie Graham. If I were to give any tips, it would be to not fully rely on social media – you have to go out and build relationships with people! NETWORK!! Build partnerships with other business owners that would positively impact your business. BE INTENTIONAL!!! My ‘WHY’ pushes me every day! This is how I was able to advance in only four months!
“A fun fact about myself is that I taught children in China the English language via the Internet! It was an amazing experience for me!”