
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Nathan Witherspoon to the 20/20 Club! He is from Greensboro, North Carolina and currently lives in San Antonio, Texas. Nathan says, “I have a passion for travel, sports, weightlifting, and hanging out with family and friends. I have traveled to 37 countries and have about 50 more to go.”

Nathan offers these tips: “Learn your weaknesses and make them your strengths. Conquering your weaknesses will make you a better all around person and help you develop into the leader that you are meant to be. 

“If you know you lack motivation, set affirmation reminders on your phone. For example:

6 am - Change your mentality to change your lifestyle
10 am - FOCUS
2 pm - Sell the Dream
6 pm - Recruit with a Purpose.

“A fun fact: If you go to my hometown or places I've lived; hardly anyone knows me by my first name.”