
1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
Britt was born and raised in Detroit, MI and Jeremy was born in Port Arthur, TX, but we now reside in San Antonio, TX. Jeremy has a beautiful 13-year-old daughter. Some of our hobbies include traveling, reading, being foodies, spending time with our family, and thrifting! Past business highlights include achieving 20/20 Club, Gold Plus Member and One-Star Director recently!

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
We have grown tremendously. It almost feels like we were kids when we started two and a half years ago in the company because of the growth we have had. Certain things don’t phase us anymore, we’ve learned a lot, we’ve increased our posture, expanded our knowledge about the business, the industry and just the world in general…and we are just overall better versions of ourselves than we were back then.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
Jeremy: A lot of things! One of them is to be remembered; my last name, to leave a legacy that will not only help my family, but will help the families of hundreds of thousands of others connected to me! My daughter is my WHY and I’m grateful she’s at the age where she understands now all the sacrifices I’ve had to make over the years to be able to leave her this legacy for the rest of her life!

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Both: That’s tough because we have SO MANY role models and we are thankful for all of them. We would say for sure, Mr. Bradley. He is the epitome of a true leader and visionary. His posture and presence speaks volumes when he steps into a room. You can feel it every time without him even saying a word. And how amazing is it that he is carrying so many people’s dreams, goals, and aspirations under his leadership and this company he created. That’s a lot of weight to carry but he does it effortlessly and with so much integrity.

Also, our mentor, Mrs. Adairia Vinson, aka ‘Mama Bear.’ We look up to her for taking us under her wing and giving her love out so genuinely and willingly. She not only took us in as her mentees but she also took us in as family. Britt: I would also say my other role model would be my mother. She has instilled in me an insane work ethic and drive. She taught me to be resourceful and learn as much as I can, and to take it upon myself to take the initiative and not wait on anyone else. She’s one of the strongest women I know.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
The three words that describe us best are Relentless, Resilient, and Resourceful!

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
NEVER GIVE UP! And RESPECT YOUR PROCESS! We all have a process to go through to get to the levels we want to reach. Once you learn to fall in love with that process and respect it, you’ll realize that it’s building your character and your story that so many people are going to need to hear about, and how you overcame all the obstacles that were put in front of you. We now appreciate the things that ‘go wrong’ in our life because we know it is only going to help and inspire someone when we are able to show how we still pushed through it all! A great quote: “Fast success breeds ego. Slow success breeds character.”

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Married with a multiple seven-figure income, debt-free, traveling the world, and still helping as many people as we can attain the lifestyle they want and create a legacy for their family!