
PlanNet Marketing is proud to welcome new One-Star Director Alana Evans to the 20/20 Club! Alana tells us she is originally from Washington, DC but lives in Angleton, Texas, a small town about 45 minutes south of Houston. She relates, “I am recently married and a stay-at-home mom to four children ages 14, 12, 9, and 9 months, all involved in different activities, and a husband who works 12-hour days, six days a week. I LOVE to travel! When my husband and I decided that I would stay at home, I knew I needed to find a way to make this passion into a paycheck and help our family. Little did I know I had found not only a way to book travel, but I could build a team and really bring in money. With the help of Director Cathi Bray, I started putting ads out on Facebook. So no matter what your situation looks like, keep your “WHY” in front of your face and you can grow. 

“I traveled a lot (14 countries in ten years) before I got married and had my daughter; my favorite places were Budapest, Prague, Amsterdam, and Vietnam. I’ve always loved to travel and have had the passion to show people that they could travel also. I don’t have any tips, except to stay consistent. If someone tells you no, don’t get discouraged; eventually momentum will hit. I’ve been actively building a team since November, and it wasn’t until March that momentum hit. In March, I had 12 people register…some of whom were people we’d been talking to since November. My best advice is to trust your upline. Director Bray kept reaching out to my prospects, and I was able to find more people who were interested.

“I’ve heard many people say that network marketing is a game of follow the leader, so I have to thank the leader (Director Bray) I followed, and the leaders she followed. They set up a plan for me and I stuck like glue to it. I succeeded because of that plan and because I was consistent. Never once in the past seven months did I waiver from that plan; never once in the seven months did I take a break. “It’s worth it. There have been lots of days and nights that I’m on the phone doing three-way calls or prospecting; it annoys my husband and kids, but they know our bigger picture. If I have to miss one or two dinners a week, they get it. We are done living paycheck-to-paycheck; we are going to thrive, not survive, and that means putting in work. We celebrated when I hit One-Star and then I told them, ‘I’m not done – the calls and work have to keep going because we aren’t there yet.’  Don’t stop, even when no one is signing up…keep pushing because momentum will hit.

“I want to show my children (especially my daughters) that you can stay at home with your children and do that job but you can also provide and help create a legacy. I obviously LOVE to travel. My goal is to help all of our children see the world and become immersed in cultures around the world. We live in such a globalized world that to succeed, they need to understand other cultures, and why study that from books? Let’s go and experience it!

“I’m just an ordinary person with an ordinary life, a family who supports me, and an extended family who didn’t always, but I promise you that if you are willing to work, your ordinary life will become extraordinary…and that’s what’s in my future.”